Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bonnes Vacances!!!!

French 3-4 Extra Credit Options:  You may choose up to 2!

*Watch a French movie (in French with English subtitles) and write a 1 page summary of the plot include a reflection on your experience watching it.  What did you understand?  Could you pick out words?  *This can NOT be an American movie dubbed in French!

*Make a verb song for the verb Faire or Aller (or both!) and teach it to the class.

*Make a French recipe and document the process (film/take pictures).  Create a poster or some other visual to turn in with a copy of the recipe.

Holiday Riddle Challenge:  Who am I?  Figure out who/what is described in these two riddles and submit your answer in French before Jan. 4th to be entered in a drawing for a prize (bigger than usual!)


Je suis tout vert et je pique un peu
Les boules et les étoiles me rendent tout heureux.
Qui suis-je ?


Je suis sympa et heureux

Les cerises sont comme mes joues

Les flocons me rendent solide

le soleil me fond jusqu’au vide

Qui suis-je ?

Jeudi 13/12

Today in class we reviewed regular adjectives and learned about irregular adjectives (see pgs 47-8 in book).  I also introduced the verbs ALLER and FAIRE.

A Faire:  pg 49 #7—make adjective agree with each of the nouns in parentheses!!

Travail en classe (TEC):  Make an acrostic with your name and 8 adjectives.  Name must be readable, use 8 adjectives that represent you (make sure they agree with your gender!), and must be colored.

Devoirs:  Memorize: ER, IR, RE, Avoir, Etre, Faire, and Aller for crêpe challenge right after break.  Practice 6 times for 10 min each for different adults (get signatures on back of calendar!)

*Grades will be updated by Friday at 3:05.  Progress reports are not accurate.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mardi 11/12

Today in class we reviewed colors and adjectives (describing words) and how to talk about them as nouns (things) as well.  We expanded into other adjectives (pg 47) and discussed their placement and agreements (just like colors!).  We also did color handout #1 orally in partners (you prepared it for homework last night).

A Faire:  Take notes over pg 47 (yellow/orange box), pg 47 #4

Devoirs:  pg 47 #5—write 2 ideal qualities and 1 un-ideal quality for each one.  Complete sentences!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lundi 10/12

Today in class we reviewed colors and imperative.  We turned in homework calendars.

A Faire :  Color handout #3 (be sure to make agreements!)

Devoirs: Color handout #1—write both the question and the answer!  If you don’t really own an item, make it up!! Imaginez!

*Progress reports go out Tuesday. For this class, this will not be an accurate grade report (due to where we are with homework/tests/etc).  I will give every student an updated grade report on Thursday in class.  Therefore, ALL missing work and test corrections must be completed by Wednesday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jeudi 06/12

Today in class we reviewed the imperative and stress pronouns, we shared our orders/commands for a sibling, corrected our quizzes, and reviewed colors.

A Faire:  Translate…(who you are talking to is written in parentheses, so you know how to conjugate your verbs!)
  1.  (you)  Give her the book!                               2.  (y’all)  Call them!              
3.  (nous) Let’s bring him a pencil                        4.  (you)  Wait for us!

Handouts (click on link):  Les couleurs

Devoirs:  pg 23 #12, describe the color of 10 things in your room/house in French.  Don’t forget to make agreements for feminine and plural (use today’s handout for reference!)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mardi 04/12

Today in class we learned about stress pronouns (me, him, her, us, etc.. see pg 23 in book) and how to use them with the impératif.  We also went over some recent homework and A faires to make corrections.  At the end of class, we set 2 new goals for 2nd quarter (be specific!—study for 15 min, 3x/wk vs. just study).  If there is something you still need to work on from 1st quarter, 1 goal may be the same in 2nd.  You also need to reflect on your 1st quarter goals on the back of the goal sheet.  Did you accomplish your goals? What could you do differently?  What did you do that worked?

A Faire:  pg 24 #13

Handouts (click on link):  Goals (only if you need it!)

Devoirs:  pg 23 #11, write 3 commands/advice you might say to a brother/sister (imagine this if you don’t have siblings).  Try to use stress pronouns when possible!  Remember that you cannot express the same things in French that you can in English…the best thing you can do is simplify your ideas in French and focus on what you DO know how to say!!

All missing tests (from Thursday) should be made up in tutorial this Tuesday (today).  If you cannot take it in tutorial, then you must make an appointment with me, today, to take it another time.