Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Déjeuner Français (French Lunch)

Starting Thursday 01/11/12...

Manger et parler français!

Every other Thursday in rm. 128, we will have French lunch.  Bring your lunch and come practice speaking French!  All levels welcome:)

* This is also a way to make up participation points for absences from French class

Mardi 30/10

Today in class we practiced talking about what we’re afraid of and how we’ll dress up for Halloween.  We learned some Halloween vocab and discussed family vocab.

A Faire:  Halloween word search

Devoirs (Homework):  pg 35 #5 A & B

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lundi 29/10

Today in class we practiced and reviewed avoir expressions.

A Faire :  Write 6 questions using 6 most recent avoir expressions (avoir envie de, avoir besoin de, avoir du mal à, avoir mal à, avoir l’habitude de, avoir l’air + adjective—this one will have to be asking about someone else b/c you wouldn’t ask someone « do you seem sad ? »)

Devoirs:  Take notes pg 34, pg 35 #5 ONLY read brown box and make family tree (do not do A or B!!).  Include ages on family tree!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jeudi 25/10

Today in class we practiced and learned some new avoir expressions and did some RE verb practice as well.  

Travail en class (TEC): write a sentence using each of 6 new avoir expressions (use different subjects for each so you are practicing different conjugations of avoir!)

A Faire:  RE verb handout #2.  You must answer the question for each person/subject listed in parentheses and make at least 1 negative answer for each question.

Handouts (click on link):  AvoirExpressions

Devoirs:  Study avoir expressions, pg 57 #3 (say what activity they “feel like doing” and then what thing they “need” to do that-2 sentences for each!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mardi 23/10

Today in class we took a pop quiz, practiced IR verbs, reviewed the verb avoir and learned some avoir expressions (see pg 56).  We did pg 57 #2 as Travail en Classe (in-class work).

A Faire:  IR verb handout #3, answer in complete sentences!

Devoirs (Homework):  study avoir expressions, pg 57 #1 (practice with verb avoir)