Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jeudi 21/03

Today we watched a movie, Les Visiteurs, and turned in the Lecon 5 packet.

Devoirs: Practice 5 times/10 min each for adults, get signatures.  Try to spread out during vacation so you’re not so rusty speaking French when you return!  Practice verbs pgs 96, 100!!

Bonnes Vacances!!!

Mardi 19/03

Today in class we discussed the Paris/Val Sans Retour readings, played a game, and started the movie we will watch during class on Thursday.

A Faire:  pg 101 #4:  1, 2, 4, 6 (answer in complete sentences and address all questions)

Handouts (click on link):  Allez à la pêche, Les Visiteurs

Devoirs: Finish Lecon 5 packet (except #3) to turn in at beginning of class on Thursday

*Only need to bring Lecon 5 packet, movie handout, and writing utensil to class Thursday!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lundi 18/03

Today in class we reflected on the prehistoric art powerpoint, spoke some French, and did some work in class (Lecon 5 packet, Quiz corrections, etc).
Devoirs: Lecon 5 packet (except #3) completed by beginning of period Thursday (You will turn it in!)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Jeudi 14/03

Today in class we shared the animal vocab words found for homework, started our art history culture project (See TEC!) and corrected quizzes in class.  ALL QUIZZES MUST BE CORRECTED BY TUESDAY 3/18 FOR CREDIT!

A Faire:  Write 2 sentences in French using “Appreciation” vocab to respond to PowerPoint.  Write short paragraph reflection on PowerPoint in English.

Handouts (click on link):  Le Val Sans Retour, Leçon 5

Travail en Classe (TEC):  Take notes over content of PowerPoint and keep track of all underlined vocabulary words.  For Prehistoric Art PowerPoint, Click HERE!

Devoirs:  Read « Le Val Sans Retour», take notes over content (especially bolded/written words) and write a summary in English of about 10 sentences.  Paquet Leçon 5: #1, 2, and 4.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mardi 12/03

Today in class we continued to talk about our weekend activities, went over new irregular verbs, learned new vocab (pg 100) and looked at a PowerPoint (Click HERE to view) that contained 8 vocab words to express opinions (l’appréciation positive/l’appréciation négative).

A Faire:  pg 101 #5 (connect pics with descriptions)

Devoirs: Write an affirmative and a negative sentence for each of the 8 new vocab words in the PowerPoint,16 sentences total.  Ex.  (Je suis fan de Blazers, Je ne suis pas fan de Lakers).  Look up 3 new animals that are not in the book to add to vocabulary (use dictionary/wordreference.com).  Don’t forget articles!!!

Test make-up by Wednesday end of the day (unless you’ve already made another arrangement with me!)

Déjeuner français- Thursday Rm. 128 (for make-up participation or extra credit!)

Quarter ends in 2 ½ weeks!  Turn in missing work before Spring Break!!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lundi 11/03

Today in class we discussed the vocab on pg 96 and spoke French.

A Faire:  pg 97 #2 write answers only (going/going to do) then do orally with partner.

Devoirs: Add sortir, voir, prendre, and nettoyer to verb chart.  Do 5 visual dictionary entries for vocab on pg 96 (include image, word/expression, sentence!) 

All Quizzes must be made up by the end of the day Wednesday !

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jeudi 07/03

Today in class we did some review before the quiz and students had the opportunity to ask questions.  Then we took the quiz.

Handouts (click on link):  Paris :Une Histoire

Devoirs:  Read « Paris : Une Histoire », take notes over content (especially bolded/italicized words) and write a summary in English of about 10 sentences.  Take notes over pg 96 in the book and do pg 97 #1 (must write the complete sentence!)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mardi 05/03

Today in class we corrected work, reviewed for quiz, did a listening activity, and presented dialogues.

Devoirs:   Avoir Expression/Aller Handout—B, Study for Quiz on Thursday !!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lundi 04/03

Today in class we finished up the tête à tête speaking activity and dialogues from Thursday (we will present dialogues tomorrow) and corrected some worksheet work as review in preparation for the quiz on Thursday.

Handouts (click on link):  Avoir Expression/Aller Handout

Devoirs: Avoir Expression/Aller Handout--A only 

QUIZ THURSDAY!  REVIEW:  être, avoir, faire, aller, all verb expressions, aller + infinitive, venir, devenir, revenir, venir de + place/infinitive, depuis, adjectives, c’est vs. Il est, culture (Mardi Gras/Carnaval, crêpes), places vocab (see aller handout)