Friday, May 31, 2013

Jeudi 30/05

Today in class we practiced the passé composé, learned how to use it in the negative, got rough drafts back, went over some common problems in the writing and how to make corrections, and worked on projects a bit.

A Faire:  pg 107 #6

Devoirs: Final project— writing (typed) and pictures should all be on one side of the paper!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mardi 28/05

Today in class we reviewed the imparfait, learned the other form of the past tense (le passé composé), and started a new song.  We turned in rough drafts of the “mon enfance” project.

A Faire:  leçon 23 handout #3

Devoirs: leçon 23 handout #1 (imparfait), pg 105 #2 (passé composé)
*If you did not turn in a draft today, make sure I get it ASAP (with enough time to edit it and get it back to you before the weekend !)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jeudi 23/05

Today in class we reviewed the verbs lire/écrire, learned the verbs décrire and dire, talked about art history, and started our final project of the year.

Handouts (click on link):  Mon Enfance

A Faire:  pg 224 #1

TEC :  Art history notes

Devoirs: Rough draft, DOUBLE SPACED, of childhood project (15 sentences minimum)


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mardi 21/05

Today in class we shared our homework answers, learned the irregular verbs lire and écrire, and corrected quizzes.  *All quiz corrections must be complete by Friday (so you need to make time to come in and finish if you haven’t already!)

A Faire:  pg 225 #2

Devoirs: pg 320 #6 (“il y a” can also mean “ago” when followed by a length of time, say whether these things were happening 100 years ago)

Calendars are due Thursday!  Late calendars will lose 3pts/day.
Déjeuner français-Thursday room 128!
Tardy detentions by Friday or they double!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lundi 20/05

Today in class we reviewed the imparfait and learned the stem and usage for être.  We went over the homework and A Faire to check our work.

A Faire:  pg 318 #4

Devoirs: pg 319 #5 (Complete the sentence with choice given or your own option) MUST write a complete sentence for each!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Jeudi 16/05

Today we discussed the choice between different articles (definite, indefinite, partitive), see pg. 168 and started learning about one form of the past tense (l’imparfait-pg 316).

A Faire:  pg 169 #5 (don’t follow book example, follow this one: M. Lebeuf aime la viande.  Alors, il achète de la viande.)

TEC :  pg 317 #1 

Devoirs: livre pg 318 #3 


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mardi 14/05

Today in class we reviewed for the quiz with some listening exercises, took the quiz and did some resto/café dialogues.
TEC:  Lecon 11 listening activities (back pages of lecon 10 packet)

Devoirs: pg 170 #6

Monday, May 13, 2013

Lundi 13/05

Today in class we reviewed for the quiz and did some resto/café dialogues.

A Faire:  leçon 10 packet #8-A (be sure to make up an excuse!)

Devoirs:  leçon 10 packet #5 (what you ate and drank SOME of!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Jeudi 09/05

Today we talked about what we want “some of” for the three meals of the day, reviewed how to accept an offer (vouloir bien), looked at 2 art history periods (le réalisme et l’impressionisme) and started presenting resto/café dialogues.  Note:  when you are saying “some” of something, you are using the partitive (partitif) article.  This word will come up in directions.  When you see partitif, think “some”!

A Faire:  leçon 10 packet #6 (use vouloir bien, some/any)

TEC :  You should have a total of 6 French sentences as a reflection on the art history we’ve done this week.

Devoirs: leçon 10 packet #3 (partitif = some), #7 (phrases complètes!) 

Quiz Tuesday !  Study :  irregular verbs (in particular, boire, vouloir, pouvoir, devoir) and all food related vocab/verbs pgs 142-150.