Contact Information and Class Resources:
Goals: -Provide
a safe and comfortable environment where students can take risks
and make mistakes
-Help students learn to speak,
comprehend, read, and write
-Keep lessons practical (based on real
life scenarios) and relevant to
students’ lives (appeal to their
interests and future goals)
-Emphasis on culture of
French-speaking world
-Make learning French fun!
The Class: -Activity/Project based (learning through experience!)
controlled and become more open-ended
-Lots of in
class oral practice as well as listening, reading and writing
Expectations: -Students
are focused, engaged and active participants
-Homework 20-30 min/night. Practice out loud every day for 15 min
-Organization: binder/notebook
-Build resource binder
-Notebook (spiral/composition) for
warm-ups, HW & in-class
Finals policy:
-4 or fewer absences (of any kind) and final exam cannot
hurt grade, 2 tardies=1 absence
*incentive for regular attendance