Friday, January 31, 2014

Vendredi 31/01

Today we practiced colors, reviewed the conjugation for être and avoir, and learned the conjugations for faire as well as expressions.  We watched the “Hey Oh” music video at the end of class!

A Faire:  pg 58 #4

Handouts/Class Materials:  Faire PowerPoint, Faire expressions, Expression handout

Devoirs :  Expression handout, memorize/know/study être, avoir, and faire (Quiz early next week!!)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mercredi 29/01

Today we reviewed avoir expressions and practiced using colors as both nouns and adjectives.

Handouts/Class MaterialsColor handout, Avoir expressions

A Faire:  pg 57 #3--Say what each person feels like/wants to do (after the slash) and what they need (from the blue box) to do it (some you may need to figure out by process of elimination!)

TEC:  Color handout #3 (I wrote the colors for some and use logic for the rest!)

Devoirs :  Color handout #1 (write what color object each person has), write sentences describing the color of 10 things you have in your house.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Vendredi 17/01

Today we reviewed for the final with speaking and writing activities.

Handouts: dice game, review packet, adjective sentences (similarities)

A Faire:  adjective sentences (similarities) on Elmo

TEC :  dice game

Devoirs: pg 50 #1 (write questions you would ask your partner to find out this info about the person he/she met at the party), review packet

**If you complete the review packet by class on Tuesday, you will have earned the right to use a 3x5 notecard on the final exam.  Otherwise, it is due the day of the final exam!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mercredi 15/01

Today we practiced questions using être expressions (from the homework), learned the conjugations of avoir and some expressions using it, and shared physical descriptions and famous person riddles in partners/small groups.

A Faire:  pg 57 #1, share physical descriptions (A faire from yesterday) in partners, share famous person riddles in group of 4 and choose one to write out/turn in/share with class.

Devoirs:  pg 57 #2 (je form, complete the sentence with a conjugation of avoir, must write whole sentence!)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lundi 06/01

Today we learned more vocabulary to talk about physical descriptions.

A Faire:  Write a detailed physical description of yourself

Devoirs:  pg 45 #3 (complete sentences), have famous people riddles and physical descriptions ready to share in class!

Vendredi 10/01

Today we practiced saying how we’re feeling, did a listening activity, reviewed “c’est/il est”, and learned about the placement of adjectives (most after the noun but some before!)

A Faire:  C’est/Il est with professions (both sides), write a riddle about a famous person (5 sentences minimum, use c’est/il est and adjectives to describe physical and personality)

Devoirs:  Adjective packet pg 110 #3 and pg 112 #5

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mercredi 08/01

Today we learned how to talk about the way we are feeling using adjectives and a new être expression (être d’accord), practiced using new adjectives to describe people and learned rules for using “c’est” and “il/elle est” to describe people/things.

A Faire:  Adjective powerpoint (Cliquez ici!).  Write one sentence for each image (use adjective list/book for help !)

TEC (Travail en Classe):  C’est vs. Il/Elle est powerpoint—Cliquez ici ! (Attention : this powerpoint includes all être expressions as well, scroll to about half way through for today’s activities).  Write a « c’est » and an « il/elle est » sentence for each picture (2 sentences for each !)

Devoirs:  pg 51 #10 (Must write a sentence for each bullet point.  Choose between “c’est” and “il/elle est”)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lundi 06/01:

Today we practiced the verb “être,” listened to our song “Hey Oh” and learned 3 new expressions with être (être en avance, être à l’heure, être en retard).

A Faire:  Write 2 sentences for each of the new être expressions.  Make sure that each of the 6 sentences starts with a different subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/ells) so that you are practicing all conjugations of the verb.

Handouts:  adjective crossword

Devoirs:  adjective crossword