Friday, June 5, 2015

Jeudi 04/06

We did more practice with the passé compose avec être.

A Faire:  pg 127 #2

TEC: 1) Add verbs (conjugations) pg 126 to verb chart and past participles to graphic organizer, 2) On handout fill in Vandertrampp verbs, past participles, and write sentences (using different subjects: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) to practice using them/have examples to work from.  Don’t forget être as your helping verb and agreements!  3) make your own “maison” ( or hospital, or farm, or mall, etc.) of “être”.  Use all 17 verbs, illustrate their meanings and label them on the picture, color!

Devoirs :  Finish in class work including “maison”, practice project for interview (starting Monday!), do pg 129 #4 (say what they did/didn’t do based on context sentence, use verbs in parentheses, make necessary agreements!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mardi 02/06

Today we continued to work on the passé composé with être (learning the 17 verbs of movement/coming-going that must use it!),  had project work time and a crêpe party.

A Fairepg 128 #3 write sentences using the subjects given and the correct passé composé form of  each verb.  Pay attention to agreements!!

Devoirs :  pg 119 #6 (choose which subject and helping verb to use based on the past participle given.  Rewrite the entire sentence!)  Have the final version of your project ready to turn in.  Make sure it is in the correct format, with pictures and typed!!  Start practicing for interviews!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Lundi 01/06

We learned how to use “aller” in the passé composé, did a peer-edit of our dialogue drafts and had some work time.

TEC:  Peer-edit and be peer-edited!  Each student will get credit for being part of both sides of this process.  If you did not complete this in class, it is your responsibility to take care of it outside of class!  Although tutorial is a great option for this!

Devoirs :  Write and revise “Mon Enfance” project (final draft due Thursday!)

Fête de crêpe tomorrow, bring stuff!!