We did more practice with the passé compose avec être.
A Faire: pg 127 #2
TEC: 1) Add verbs
(conjugations) pg 126 to verb chart and past participles to graphic organizer, 2)
On handout fill in Vandertrampp verbs, past participles, and write sentences
(using different subjects: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) to practice
using them/have examples to work from.
Don’t forget être as your helping verb and agreements! 3) make your own “maison” ( or hospital, or
farm, or mall, etc.) of “être”. Use all
17 verbs, illustrate their meanings and label them on the picture, color!
Devoirs : Finish in class work including “maison”, practice
project for interview (starting Monday!), do pg 129 #4 (say what they did/didn’t
do based on context sentence, use verbs in parentheses, make necessary