Today in class we reviewed avoir, ER, IR, RE verbs and we talked some about our families. We also went over the homework from pg 35 and
57. We did a listening activity as Travail en classe and we discussed
possessive pronouns (how to say mine, his/hers, yours, etc). We listened to Hey Oh at the end of class (There may be a sing off next week in class so look over the words)
Travail en classe (TEC):
Listening activity: vrai ou faux
Faire: Expression
handout pg 113 #A1
(click on link): Expression Handout, Possessive pronouns
Devoirs (Homework): Make a family tree of your family. Include at least 12 people, 3 generations
(grandparents, parents, grandkids (you) and the name and age of each
person. You can invent family members/ages
if necessary. Then write 12 sentences explaining the
relationship of each person to you.