(click on link): Les Adjectifs
Faire: pg 45
#2 Imagine you are being asked the
question, answer saying “it
belongs to…”
Travail en
classe (TEC): In complete
sentences, describe the following 3 people with 2 physical adjectives and 2
adjectives of personality: your best
friend, a family member of your choice, and your favorite teacher. In your first sentence, you should use one of
the new BAGS adjectives. Use the
following formula to start it: “I have a…use a BAGS adjective…say who they are.” Ex: I
have a pretty best friend; I have a tall teacher; I have a young aunt. Then
continue with description.
Devoirs: Memorize: ER, IR, RE, Avoir, Etre, Faire, and
Aller for crêpe challenge. Pg 45 #1
(write 1st sentence using elements from personnes/endroits--say
where each person is. Then write 2nd
sentence saying what they are busy doing by choosing logically from activités.) Pg 49 #9 (In complete sentences describe the
personality of each person based on the given description).