Friday, January 4, 2013

Jeudi 03/01

Today in class we learned some new expressions with the verb être (they can be found on pg 44 in the book.)  We discussed that il/elle can replace a noun (le livre, la voiture) to mean “it”.  We also reviewed the contraction of à + le (au) and à + les (aux).  During the 2nd half of class, we returned to adjectives and learned the exception to the rule that adjectives come after the noun (see bottom of pg 46).  These adjectives are represented by the acronym BAGS (beauty, age, goodness, size). 

Handouts (click on link): Les Adjectifs

A Faire:  pg 45 #2  Imagine you are being asked the question, answer saying “it belongs to…”

Travail en classe (TEC):  In complete sentences, describe the following 3 people with 2 physical adjectives and 2 adjectives of personality:  your best friend, a family member of your choice, and your favorite teacher.  In your first sentence, you should use one of the new BAGS adjectives.  Use the following formula to start it: “I have a…use a BAGS adjective…say who they are.”  Ex:  I have a pretty best friend; I have a tall teacher; I have a young aunt. Then continue with description.

Devoirs:  Memorize: ER, IR, RE, Avoir, Etre, Faire, and Aller for crêpe challenge.  Pg 45 #1 (write 1st sentence using elements from personnes/endroits--say where each person is.  Then write 2nd sentence saying what they are busy doing by choosing logically from activités.)  Pg 49 #9 (In complete sentences describe the personality of each person based on the given description).