Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mardi 30/04

Today in class we learned all the conjugations of the verb vouloir (to want) and practiced using it in several contexts (see pg. 156!).  We also learned how to say “some” in terms of food (some apple, some apples) and looked at a PowerPoint on the art of la Renaissance.

TEC:  pg 159 #4

A Faire:  pg 157 #1

Handouts (click on link):  Calendrier 8

Devoirs: livre pg 159 #5 (responses only in complete sentences!), Leçon 9 packet #2

Monday, April 29, 2013

Lundi 29/04

Today in class we did a partner activity (pg 149 #6), went over the vocab pg 150 and worked on dialogue scripts.

A Faire:  pg 151 #9

Devoirs: pg 151 #11 (complete sentences), resto/café dialogue script (DOUBLE SPACED) to turn in

Extra credit opportunity:  What do the French celebrate on May 1st?  What is the significance of this date?  How do people celebrate?  Why?  Give as much detail as possible! Due: lundi 5/5

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jeudi 25/04

Today we practiced ordering food asking to have items at the table passed to us.  We reviewed the imperative and looked at a presentation on Gothic art.  We started a mini-project of writing restaurant/café dialogues (double spaced draft of script due Tuesday!).

Dialogue criteria:  in groups of 2-3 people…
-8 lines per person
-include formalities (greetings, politesse)
-order food
-ask for check and if service is included
-include a problem of some sort
-must be memorized
-can present live in class or on a video

A Faire:  pg 147 #5 (Vary the way you order the items and use all 3 ways you know to do it!)

Devoirs: lecon 9 packet #1, #6-B (write this one in your cahier!)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Déjeuner français—demain!!!

Bring your lunch and come meet and talk with some of the young French students visiting Grant while earning participation credit and possible extra credit!  Think about questions or topics you want to discuss before you come (it will help you to say more!)  On va parler français!!   Room 128, @ lunch tomorrow.  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lundi 22/04

Today in class we talked about our likes/dislikes, practiced pronunciation of food vocab, did pg 149 #7 out loud in partners and discussed how to order food and be polite in French.

A Faire:  We circulated and asked 3 different people each of the questions below and recorded 2 things they said for each.  We then shared our findings with the large group.
Qu’est-ce que tu adores?        Qu’est-ce que tu aimes?         
Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas tellement ?        Qu’est-ce que tu détestes ?

TEC:  pg 147 #4-A

Devoirs: pg 147#4-B, leçon 9 packet #6-A

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jeudi 18/04

Today we corrected quizzes, learned/practiced place setting vocab, and reviewed l’impératif.  All quiz corrections and make-up must be done by the end of tutorial on Tuesday!

A Faire:  pg 145 #2 and make your own place setting.  (see example=>clique ici!)

Devoirs: pg 149 #7 (answers only, don’t forget articles!), write 3 things each that you “adorer”, “aimer”, “n’aimer pas tellement”, “detester” (4 phrases en totale!)...from vocab pg 148.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mardi 16/04

Today in class we shared the kinds of cuisine we like and where we eat lunch in general.  We discussed the verbs on pg 144 and then read pgs 142-3 outloud in small groups and discussed some cultural differences in grocery shopping between France and the US.

TEC:  We read pages 142-3 out loud in table groups (including gray box at beginning).  After each section, answer the questions:  “qu’est-ce que c’est?” and “Qu’est-ce qu’ils vendent?” in your cahier.

A Faire:  En général, à quelle heure prends-tu tes trois repas du jour ? (le petit déjeuner/le déjeuner/le diner).  Write 3 complete sentences answering this question.

Handouts (click on link):  Leçon 9 packet

Devoirs: Take notes pg 146 and 148, Lecon 9 packet #3 (use new vocab from notes to make shopping list!)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lundi 15/04

Today in class we started some food vocabulary, practiced using mettre in the sense of “to put on clothes”, and did a listening activity.

A Faire:  Use the correct conjugation of mettre and the clothing vocab on pgs 346-7 to answer the following questions:

Quels vêtements est-ce que tu mets quand….
     1.  Il fait chaud ?
     2.   Il fait froid ?
     3. Tu vas à la plage ?
     4.  Tu vas à un concert ?
     5. Tu assistes à un mariage ?

Devoirs: pg 145 #1, take notes pg 144

Friday, April 12, 2013

Jeudi 11/04

Today we reviewed irregular verbs by playing a team conjugation game, we took a quiz, and then finished “Les Visiteurs” (the film we started before Spring Break).

Devoirs: Read/take notes pgs 142-143, pg 116 #1

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mardi 09/04

Today in class we got new seats, spoke lots of French while reviewing for the quiz, did 2 listening activities and reviewed some clothing vocab.

A Faire:  Interview your partner with the following questions (clique ici), then write his/her answers in the il/elle form in your cahier.

Handouts (click on link):  Listening Packet

Devoirs: Front page of listening packet (#1, 2, 3), Study for quiz!!!

Quiz:  Vocab/verbs pg 96, 100, all irregular verbs (don’t forget the big 4!), l’appreciation vocab, art history and poisson d’avril

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jeudi 04/04

Today we reviewed some irregular verbs and learned a new one “dormir” (your favorite!)  We did a tête à tête (speaking activity) with partners and finished up the “début de l’art modern” powerpoint.  For PowerPoint, clique ICI!  Some advanced students came to share their experiences taking upper level French classes in preparation for the course fair on Monday.

A Faire:  Answer questions in complete sentences:
  1.  En général, est-ce que tu dors bien?
  2. Combien d’heures dors-tu ?
  3. Qui dort chez toi ?  (ta famille ? ta mère/ton père ?
  4. A quelle heure vas-tu dormir ce soir ?
  5. A quelle heure vas-tu dormir samedi soir ?
Travail en Classe (TEC):  Vocabulary/notes on PowerPoint presentation

Devoirs: 1) Write a paragraph reflection in English about PowerPoint.   What did you learn ? What did you like/find interesting?  Write 2 sentences in French using “appreciation” vocab to include in your reflection. 2) pg 111 # 14 (7-9 only)