Today we reviewed the vocabulary: aujourd’hui, demain, hier and the weather. We talked about likes and dislikes using infinitive construction (j’aime (danser, chanter, regarder la télé, etc) We also discussed the irregularity in conjugating the verb préférer. While I did number quizzes, students played a dice game called “Cent”.
Handouts: Paris Reading
A Faire:
pg 12 #1 (and
do orally with a partner using the question: “Qu’est-ce que tu préfères ____ ou
TEC (Travail en Classe): Write out your score (numbers) in words while
playing the game Cent.
Devoirs : Paris reading and comprehension questions
(must write answers in complete sentences—NO 1 WORD ANSWERS—and in your cahier!), pg 20 #4 part deux (using vocab in yellow box pg 20, say 2 things the you
want/can/must do in each of the circumstances (Avec mes amis…) Make sure to
vary your choices so you’re practicing all of them! Practice
out loud 15 minutes each day!