Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12:  Today, with a substitute, we practiced irregular adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  pg 49 #8 (prepare answers only in writing, do orally in partners).  *Make sure your adjectives agree with “personnes” which is feminine and plural!!

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, pg 49 #4 (read description, write a sentence using adjective to describe the person—make sure the adjective agrees!)

Mercredi 18/12:  Today we continued our practice of adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  adjective/name acrostic.  On a piece of plain white paper, write name then add…
*use at least 10 adjectives to describe yourself
*Make adjective agreements when necessary!!
*Must color
*Must write legibly/be able to clearly read name/adjectives
*Can decorate
*Can use first/middle/last names
*Can build only on name or off other adjectives too.
*W, K are almost impossible…can use a noun if you insist on using these letters.

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, finish acrostic, choose 2 famous people to describe without saying who it is.  Write at least 5 sentences for each person.  We’ll be sharing and guessing about each other’s descriptions!

Vendredi 20/12: 
Today we finished the film “Les Choristes” while I conducted oral interviews and learned some about how Christmas is celebrated in France.

TEC (Travail en Classe): 
1)Finish movie handout (Les Choristes activity).  On the movie handout… Record at least 20 different words/phrases that you understand from the film.  For the questions, circle the French word that best fits the meaning/plot of the movie and translate the word into the English translation below.  At the end of the film, you will do some reflecting.
2)Noël en France:  read the handout, write a paragraph describing similarities/differences between your holiday traditions and those celebrated in France, define the 11 vocab words on bottom of page, and do “c’est Rodolphe!”

Handouts: Noël en France

Devoirs: Watch a French movie (not an American movie dubbed in French !).  It must be in French and you may of course use English subtitles.  Write a summary of the film (at least 1 large paragraph) and another paragraph as a review of the film (was it good/bad/interesting/etc? why?  Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it? Why/for whom?).