Today we
continued practicing the imperative and learned 2 new exceptions.
A Faire: pg 25 #14 (write one for each bullet point
and pay close attention to who you’re talking to!!)
TEC: translate this advice/these orders into French… (may need to use avoir/faire
Dont be scared! (copain)
Be smart (la classe)
Pay attention (la classe)
Do the dishes (sœur)
Let’s not be wrong!
Let’s do our homework!
Devoirs :
pg 59 #7 (answer all questions in complete sentences)
10 sentence paragraph about TA to TURN
IN ! (check spelling, verb
conjugations, punctuation, vocab before turning in! For an A, you must exceed the minimum
requirements, quality/number of sentences.)
Redemption verb quiz coming, study verbs!!!…Everyone
will take it again and I’ll keep the best of the 2 scores!