Today we did some practice with the new food
vocabulary and learned the vocabulary for “mettre la table” (to set the
table). Most vocab is on pg 144 except for “le bol”
et “la nappe”.
A Faire: Mettre
la table ! On the front of a blank, white piece of paper, draw and label the
9 items we practiced for setting the table.
Color if time! On the back, draw
an incomplete table setting (draw 5 of the 9 and leave out 4) with no labels.
Devoirs: Finish A faire, Mettre
la table sentences—using the back side picture, write what is and isn’t on the
table. Translate and follow this
sentence pattern: “On the table, there is…”, “On the table, there isn’t…” (use pgs 13, 15 in your book for