Today we learned
about le passé composé avec être, worked on revising our imparfait paragraphs
and watched the rest of Paris Top 10.
A Faire: pg 119 #6 (look at the agreement on the past
participle of aller to decide who is being talked about, write that person’s
name and the correct conjugation of the helping verb être)
TEC: Paris Top 10, imparfait revisions
Devoirs : pg 120 #7 (say where each person went and what they did—soyez logique!),
final draft of revised imparfait
sentences/paragraph typed and ready to turn in, PC paragraph (see below for
PC paragraph criteria: 6 sentences minimum, talk about somewhere you
went and what you did there, can be about the same age as imparfait sentences
or a different age, use je form and plural form (nous/vous/ils/elles) at least
Imparfait paragraph criteria: 15 sentences minimum in imparfait, quality
and variety of vocabulary, multiple features/aspects of physique/personality,
TYPED (not double spaced for final), conventions (punctuation, spelling,
accents, etc)