Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mardi 25/11

Today we discussed the rest of the vocab pg 34 and practiced talking about whether our best friends are older/younger and married/single/divorced (haha).  We also learned about adjective functions, agreements and placement in a sentence. Then we played Pictionary.

A Faire:  pg 47 #4 (rewrite the second sentence with an appropriate adjective.)

Handouts Crossword

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write a sentence saying 2 things that the person is, and 1 thing the person is NOT.  Follow the model), crossword (both sides)

Attention:  If you are missing Quarter 1 projects (ex: brochure, etc.) or tests and quizzes (you never took it) then you may make those up by 12/05 (next Friday).  No other work may be made up from Quarter 1.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lundi 24/11

Today we used Mme. Reid’s family tree to discuss whether people are younger or older than other family members.  We also took a quiz over the verb “être.”

A Faire:  Write 3 sentences explaining who is younger than Mme. Reid and 3 sentences saying who is older than Mme. Reid on her family tree.  (She is labeled as “moi”)

Devoirs :  review pg 15 yellow box, make 8 visual dictionary entries (picture and French sentence using term, NO ENGLISH!) for the prepositions you struggle with the most, do pg 15 #8 (write whole sentence including the correct preposition!)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Jeudi 20/11

Today we did a lot of oral practice with the identity questions pg. 32 and describing family relationships including whether people are married, single, or divorced.

Travail en classe (TEC):  Sondage (survey), ask 5 people the questions necessary to find out: nom/prénom, âge, date et lieu de naissance.  Write sentences explaining the information you found :  Il/elle s’appelle…  Il/elle a __ ans.  Il/elle est né(e)…

Devoirs Leçon 1 writing activities (both sides/all activities, #4 write complete sentences!), study être (pop quiz next week !!)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mardi 18/11

Today we practiced identity questions from pg 32 and started talking about family vocabulary and describing family relationships.

A Faire:  Use the Harry Potter family tree to write 10 sentences describing family relationships.  You must use at least one plural sentence and use the prefix “beau” and “belle” each one time

Use the following sentence frames to structure your sentences:
Singular : _(nom)_ est le/la (relation) de _(nom)_     
Plural : _(nom)_ et _(nom)_  sont les (relation) de _(nom)_

Devoirs :  Write 15 sentences using the sentence frames above to describe Duck Family relations (try to use new vocabulary !)*There is a color copy of the Duck Family tree with the other family trees, practice identity questions pg 32 and be prepared to share orally in partners/small groups/big group.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lundi 17/11

Today we practiced answering the questions on pg 32, particularly the address and date of birth.  We went over the pronunciation of nationalities and did some oral practice.

A Faire:  pg. 33 #3 (Imagine you are the student in the picture, write your answer to the questions:  Comment t’appelles-tu?  Où habites-tu?  Tu es _(allemande)_?)  Be prepared to practice this out loud when you arrive in class tomorrow!

Handouts Adjective packet

Devoirs :  Practice all questions pg 32, particularly address and date of birth (be prepared to share these orally during the warm-up!), back page (only) of Adjective packet (Write all questions in “est-ce que” or inversion form, #5: write the question that would generate that answer—use verbs in the answer as clues, #6: write in complete sentences!)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vous me manquez! MDR! (I miss you! Lol!)

Please remember to practice!  Since you haven't had class for so long it is essential that you practice so you're not too rusty when you come to class on Monday.  We will hit the ground running!

Attention:  If you missed taking the test last week, you must make an appointment to take it before or after school during this coming week!  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Jeudi 06/11

Today we did a little review then took our test.

Devoirs :  Finish “questions personnelles” pg 35 (complete sentences and answer all questions!), take notes pg 32 yellow box, write your answers to the questions in the box and be prepared to share out pg 32 #1

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mardi 04/10:

Today we did some review for the test.

A Faire:  fill in “emploi de temps”, practice talking about your schedule using this sentence frame:  Quelle matiere étudies-tu _mardi_ de _8h15_ à _9h48_?  J’étudie _le français_  Then turn over and write a sentence response to the question “Dans quel course es-tu _mardi à 14h30_?  Mardi à 14h30, je suis dans _le français_.  *If you have a free period/TA/study hall, it may be better to start your answer with “j’ai…”

Handouts Emploi de temps

Devoirs :  Study for TEST on Thursday (make sure your studying involves writing!), pg 35 #5 (make family tree based on brown box sentences.  In part A, use the family tree to say whether the sentences are vraies/fausses (true/false).  In part B, follow the sentence model to describe the family relationships)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Lundi 03/11

Today we practiced “n’est-ce pas” questions and using c’est/ce n’est pas and ce sont/ce ne sont pas.

A Faire:  pg. 16 #10 (Write out the dialogues for each picture then practice orally with partner.  If the picture looks exactly the same than it is your object!  If the pictures are different than it isn’t yours)

Devoirs :  take notes pg 34, do pg 35 #4 (#1 & #2 only! Write in complete sentences and answer all questions asked!), study etre, study for test and bring any questions to class tomorrow, practice and be prepared to answer the following questions in class:  Que fait _ta mere/ton pere/etc._?  Qu’est-ce que tu veux etre?  Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans la vie? (what do you do ?)

Quiz topics to study (this includes most things you should review but may not include every word/phrase/topic.  Refer to your notes/assignments/textbook as well!) :

Regular verbs (conjugation/meaning), acheter/preferer, pronouns (stress/subject), school subjects (questions/vocab), questions (question words, kinds/functions, exceptions), c'est/ce sont, numbers, alphabet, likes/preferences/want/can/must, time, weather/seasons/months/days, origines ethniques, feuille #1, halloween vocab, identity questions (name/age/bday/ph #/from question list), francophone countries, song, african visitors, greetings/salutations, classroom vocabulary, politesse (being polite!)