Today we did some
review for the test.
A Faire: fill in “emploi de temps”, practice talking
about your schedule using this sentence frame:
Quelle matiere étudies-tu _mardi_ de _8h15_ à _9h48_? J’étudie _le français_ Then turn over and write a sentence response
to the question “Dans quel course es-tu _mardi à 14h30_? Mardi à 14h30,
je suis dans _le français_. *If you have a free
period/TA/study hall, it may be better to start your answer with “j’ai…”
Handouts : Emploi de temps
Devoirs : Study for TEST on Thursday (make sure your
studying involves writing!), pg 35 #5 (make family tree based on brown box
sentences. In part A, use the family
tree to say whether the sentences are vraies/fausses (true/false). In part B, follow the sentence model to
describe the family relationships)