Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mardi 24/02

Today we continued practicing venir de + place and venir de + infinitive.  We also learned how to use depuis to express for how long weve done things.

Handouts PowerPoint:Venir de

A Faire:  PowerPoint: write 2 sentences for each slide using venir de + place and venir de + infinitive for the images/subjects given.

TEC:  pg 70 #9 (put together the sentences with a conjugation of the verb given and depuis), pg 71 #3 (sondage en classe)

Devoirs :  Finish Lecon 4 packet#3 (soyez logique, use « Venir de + infinitive »), #4 (make up a logical amount of time for each and use « depuis »…the 3rd pic is of people waiting at a bus stop)