Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mardi 31/03

Today we practiced the question list, practiced and presented dialogues and learned about Poisson davril.

TEC:  Take notes over vocabulary from dialogues and take notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  10 visual dictionary entries (image + sentence in French) or-- 10 flash cards for words/verbs youre struggling with in preparation for the test, Poisson davril reading and short reflection in English, STUDY FOR TEST (NEXT TUE!)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Lundi 30/03

Today we talked about our vacations, learned French animal sounds, practiced dialogues and discussed the upcoming test.

Devoirs : Finish Leçon 5 packet to turn in next class!  Practice dialogue for presentations Tuesday!  Study for test!!!

Study List for Examen: Quarter 3
Verb conjugations
Faire expression
Avoir expression
Etre expression
L’impératif (also irregular forms of être/avoir)
Aller + infinitif
Venir de + place
Venir de + infinitif
C’est/il est (it is/they are) + professions!
Adjectives (physique/personnalité/agreements!)
Vocab 96-100
Countries/prepositions (in/at) (know rules for prepositions and at least some countries!)
Question list!!
Culture:  Mardi Gras, Poisson d'avril

Friday, March 20, 2015

Jeudi 19/03

Today we reviewed the vocabulary pgs 96-100, went over some homework, practiced dialogues, and played a card game called “Allez à la pêche”.

TEC Practice dialogues for presentations Monday and Tuesday after break!!

Handouts: Visual Dictionary

Devoirsvisual dictionary for 20 new vocab/verbs from pgs 96, 98, 100 (Choose ones you need to work on, MUST have an image and a French sentence using the word/verb, NO ENGLISH! may have to double up or add some to your cahier/own paper), practice dialogue (present lundi/mardi), Study/practice: question list, verbs/vocab You will have a TEST jeudi after break!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mardi 17/03

Today we learned some new vocabulary (pg 98/100), practiced talking about our future dreams (questions 21 & 22 on question list), and practiced dialogues.

Handouts Leçon 5 packet

A Faire:  Pg 101 #4—complete sentences and answer each question!!

TEC:  Practice dialogues for presentations Thursday!!

DevoirsLeçon 5 packet pg 1 (front and back! Read directions carefully!), practice and be ready to present dialogue, study verbs/vocab, complete and turn in missing work!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Lundi 16/03

Today we finished our in-class reading activity (Diplodocus, pg 74) in groups and practiced dialogues.

TEC: Le Concert de Diplodocus » pg 74-78, in groups of 2-3
     1.      Do the « avant de lire » activities on pg 74 with your group members
     2.      Take turns reading out loud.  Keep vocab/content notes!
     3.      Answer the « Avez-vous compris » questions in complete sentences and in FRENCH !

Devoirs : Finish Diplodocus, pg 79: Read lart de la lecture and do exercice de lecture, study vocab pg 100 and then do pg 101 #5 (multiple choice!), study/practice: dialogues, verbs, question list!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Jeudi 12/03

Today we practiced the question list, went over some old homework, finalized dialogue scripts and turned them in, and started a reading activity in groups.

TEC :  “Le Concert de Diplodocus » pg 74-75, in groups of 2-3
      1.      Do the « avant de lire » activities on pg 74 with your group members
      2.      Take turns reading out loud.  Keep vocab/content notes!
      3.      Answer the « Avez-vous compris » questions in complete sentences and in FRENCH !

Devoirs :  Study/take notes pg 98, pg 99 #3, finish diplodocus pgs 75-76 and do the « Avez-vous compris » questions in complete sentences and in FRENCH ! Practice dialogues, question list, and verbs!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mardi 10/03

Today we learned some new vocabulary (pg 96), did a sondage (survey), a pop quiz, and worked on revising dialogue scripts.

Handouts Question List #3

A Faire:  Pg 97 #2 (write answers to questions)

TEC:  Revise dialogue script (final due in class Thursday after 15 min work time)

Devoirs pg 97 # 1 (complete sentences with choices given or your own, write whole sentence !), Choose 5 people from sondage and write what they are going to do over spring break (complete sentences and be ready to share out!), any dialogue work that can’t be accomplished in 15 min class work time on Thur., study verbs and question list!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lundi 09/03

We described our weekends, put together questions for a sondage we will do as a warm-up in class on Tuesday, and worked on dialogue drafts (turned in a rough draft at the end of class!)

A Faire :  Write a question to find out if your classmates are going to travel or stay home during Spring Break (pendant les vacances de printemps).  Then write at least 3 follow up questions in French that you could askfor example: Where?  With who?  How will you travel there ()?  What are you going to do?  For (pendant) how much time?

TEC:  Work on dialogue rough draft and turn in a copy before the end of class!

Devoirs : study verbs (pop quiz…), pg 71 #1 (Write out 2 sides of dialogue, Faites attention to details/instructions—suggestions, since, going to do, etc.)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Jeudi 05/03

Today we continued to practice the imperative with être/avoir and other irregular verbs as well as learned some expressions.  We also worked on dialogues and went over some homework.

A FaireTranslate the following orders into French. The people you are talking to are given in parentheses 1. Go to bed! (ton frère)  2. Cook! (tes copains)  3. Go ahead! (une amie)  3. Let’s go!  4. Go to school (tes camarades)  5. Come here! (un garçon)

TEC Work on dialogues.  You will turn in a rough draft at the end of the work time (15min) on Monday!

Devoirs :  Both sides of handout…Bon conseils (the people you are talking to are in parentheses) and reading comprehension  (answer the questions in complete sentences!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mardi 03/03

Today we practiced depuis and limpératif.  We also started a dialogue project.

A Faire:  Pg 24 #13

TEC:  Do translations in PowerPoint (near the end!)

Devoirslesprit de contradiction (back of dialogue criteria, write the response onlyincluding saying lets not do that and making the suggestion given in parentheses), Come with ideas for the dialogue, Study verbs! (Pop quiz coming for venir and others!)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lundi 02/03

Today we reviewed depuis and practiced more limpératif.

Handouts PowerPoint: Depuis

A Faire :  write an answer for each slide/question in the PowerPoint.

TEC:  Give advice to a friend using the following situations and prompts
C’est lundi.  (venir à l’école ?  aller au Mont Hood?)
Il fait du soleil.  (rester dans la maison ?  faire une randonnée à la Gorge ?)
J’ai besoin d’argent.  (travailler ?  faire des achats?)

Devoirs : Handout limpératif #3  (give the good and the bad advice youd expect from the angel and devil sitting on each shoulder of your friend Véronique.)