Monday, March 9, 2015

Lundi 09/03

We described our weekends, put together questions for a sondage we will do as a warm-up in class on Tuesday, and worked on dialogue drafts (turned in a rough draft at the end of class!)

A Faire :  Write a question to find out if your classmates are going to travel or stay home during Spring Break (pendant les vacances de printemps).  Then write at least 3 follow up questions in French that you could askfor example: Where?  With who?  How will you travel there ()?  What are you going to do?  For (pendant) how much time?

TEC:  Work on dialogue rough draft and turn in a copy before the end of class!

Devoirs : study verbs (pop quiz…), pg 71 #1 (Write out 2 sides of dialogue, Faites attention to details/instructions—suggestions, since, going to do, etc.)