Today we reviewed personality and physical
descriptions, learned the conjugations of the verb “venir” as well as how to
use “venir de + place” vs. “venir de + infinitive”. We also started learning about the origins of
Mardi Gras.
Objectif: Students will learn about the origins
of Mardi Gras.
A Faire: pg 69 #7 for each person, say what they were just
doing using “venir de + infinitive”
Handouts: Mardi Gras word scramble/vocabulary
TEC: Take notes over PowerPoint (will be posted
Wed. when we finish in class)
Devoirs : pg 68 #5 (write out the entire sentences
including the correct conjugation of “venir”), Mardi Gras word scramble,
practice/prepare for creature project oral presentation/interview (starting the
2nd half of class on Friday!)