Friday, December 20, 2013

Semaine de 16/12-20/12

Lundi 16/12:  Today, with a substitute, we practiced irregular adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  pg 49 #8 (prepare answers only in writing, do orally in partners).  *Make sure your adjectives agree with “personnes” which is feminine and plural!!

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, pg 49 #4 (read description, write a sentence using adjective to describe the person—make sure the adjective agrees!)

Mercredi 18/12:  Today we continued our practice of adjectives and the verb “être.”

A Faire:  adjective/name acrostic.  On a piece of plain white paper, write name then add…
*use at least 10 adjectives to describe yourself
*Make adjective agreements when necessary!!
*Must color
*Must write legibly/be able to clearly read name/adjectives
*Can decorate
*Can use first/middle/last names
*Can build only on name or off other adjectives too.
*W, K are almost impossible…can use a noun if you insist on using these letters.

Devoirs:  Practice être—quiz FRI, finish acrostic, choose 2 famous people to describe without saying who it is.  Write at least 5 sentences for each person.  We’ll be sharing and guessing about each other’s descriptions!

Vendredi 20/12: 
Today we finished the film “Les Choristes” while I conducted oral interviews and learned some about how Christmas is celebrated in France.

TEC (Travail en Classe): 
1)Finish movie handout (Les Choristes activity).  On the movie handout… Record at least 20 different words/phrases that you understand from the film.  For the questions, circle the French word that best fits the meaning/plot of the movie and translate the word into the English translation below.  At the end of the film, you will do some reflecting.
2)Noël en France:  read the handout, write a paragraph describing similarities/differences between your holiday traditions and those celebrated in France, define the 11 vocab words on bottom of page, and do “c’est Rodolphe!”

Handouts: Noël en France

Devoirs: Watch a French movie (not an American movie dubbed in French !).  It must be in French and you may of course use English subtitles.  Write a summary of the film (at least 1 large paragraph) and another paragraph as a review of the film (was it good/bad/interesting/etc? why?  Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it? Why/for whom?).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Vendredi 13/12

Today we started the film “Les Choristes” while I conducted oral interviews.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  On the movie handout… Record at least 20 different words/phrases that you understand from the film.  For the questions, circle the French word that best fits the meaning/plot of the movie and translate the word into the English translation below.  At the end of the film, you will do some reflecting.

Handouts: Les Choristes activity, Adjective packet #1

Devoirs: Adjective packet pg 111 #4 and pg 114 #4

Reminder:  I will not be available in Tutorial on Tuesday!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mercredi 11/12


As a result, oral interviews will begin Friday in class.  Be ready!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lundi 09/12

Today we reviewed the expressions “être à + name/stress pronoun” and “être en train de + infinitive.”  Then we began talking about how to use adjectives in French.

A Faire:  pg 47 #4, practice family tree/identity questions when finished

Devoirs:  Practice for oral interviews (start WED!)  pg 47 #6:  for each bullet point, write 1 affirmative and 1 negative sentence (what the good/bad qualities are).  Use 2 adjectives in each sentence!

There are still volunteer incentive slots available for oral interviews in tutorial this Wed and in class 8th period!  Must sign up before the beginning of class on Wednesday!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Vendredi 06/12

Today with a substitute, students practiced the verb être and some expressions with être, practiced for oral interviews, and learned some new adjectives and played “Loto.”

A Faire : Pg 42 #2—write answer only. Remember the contraction made with à + le = au, à + les = aux

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Study pgs 47-47 and take notes.  Define all adjectives in yellow and orange boxes.

Devoirs: Practice! Oral interviews start WED! Pg 47 #5 (2 sentences for each one: 1 affirmative with 2 adjectives, 1 negative with 2 adjectives.  See examples in book!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mercredi 04/12

Today we learned some new vocabulary for pets (See PowerPoint—click here!).  We practiced the conjugations of the verb “être” (and of course the song!) as well as 2 expressions with “être”:  être a + name/stress pronoun” and “être en train de + infinitive.”  Then we practiced for oral interviews.

A Faire:  Write a sentence for each slide in the PowerPoint answering my question.

Devoirs:  pg 45 #1 (2 short sentences for each person in the first column.  Say where each person is and what he/she is busy doing.)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lundi 02/12

Today we reviewed the identity questions (pg 32) and practiced family trees in preparation for oral interviews that start next Wednesday.  We also began preparing a survey about Thanksgiving break.

A Faire:  Write questions for survey and then write your own answers to the questions.  No intonation questions!!

Devoirs:  Finish Sondage questions and answers!  We will be doing it at the beginning of class next time!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vendredi 22/11

Today we practiced talking about professions (saying what we want to do in the future as well as what our parents do).  We practiced family trees and the questions we’ll be using for oral interviews (starting the week after we return from Thanksgiving Break!).  We also listened to our new song.

A Faire : Pg 36 #6 (figure out what job he/she does and write a sentences saying that)

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Choose 5 more people from your family tree and write what they do as a profession (should have a total of 10 with homework from last time !)

Devoirs: Practice family tree (who they are, name, age, jobs).  Practice for a family member/adult 5 times for 10 min each.  Get them to sign in cahier!  *you may practice up to 3 extra times for some extra credit…be sure to get extra signatures!  Watch French movies and listen to French music!!

Bonnes Vacances!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mercredi 20/11

Today we practiced saying our addresses and talking about family.  We learned some professions vocabulary as well.

A Faire:  Mme. Reid’s arbre généalogique.  Use “C’est…” to explain the relationship between the person in bold and the person in the question.

Devoirs:  pg 37 #7 (no un/une after être!) choose 5 people in your family and say their profession.  Use for vocabulary help!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lundi 18/11

Today we discussed family vocabulary, reviewed asking questions about people in 3rd person singular using –ER verbs by inserting a “t” (parle-t-elle français), and learned how to form oui/non questions that you expect someone to agree with you on using “n’est-ce pas.”

A Faire:  Question handout part B

Handouts:  Question handout

Devoirs:  Question handout part A: VOUS form ! Make an “est-ce que” and an inversion question for each one.  Take notes pg 36-37.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vendredi 15/11

Today we practiced family vocabulary by talking about our families.  We also had some work time in class on family trees.

A Faire : Sondage des frères et des soeurs…  Talk to 10 people. In French, find out if they have any brothers/sisters.  If yes, ask them how many.  If no, ask them if they are an only child.  Record the answers in a table.

Devoirs:  finish family tree to turn in Monday, write sentences for each person on tree (except you) saying: Here is____/Voici _____, His/her name is____/Il/Elle s’appelle_____, He/she is ______yrs old/Il/Elle a _______ ans.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mercredi 13/11

Today we practiced birth dates and phone numbers in depth.  We also practiced talking about nationalities and discussed the new family vocabulary (pg 34).  We started a family tree mini-project in class.

Devoirs:  pg 35 #4 (must write in complete sentences and answer all questions!!), study/learn/memorize family vocabulary for Loto!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mercredi 06/11

Today we continued to practice the identity questions pg 32 and used them to interview a partner.  We also practiced talking about nationalities (and knowing the difference between nationality and ethnicity). 

A Faire Interview a partner using all the question on pg 32.  Write answers in Il/Elle form.  Write out numbers, even years!  Be prepared to share your findings!!

Devoirs:  notes pg 34, pg 35 #5 (make a family tree after reading about the family, use family tree for A & B:  A= vrai/faux, B=sentences explaining the family relationships.)

Lundi 04/11

Today we had a substitute.  We reviewed numbers 50-2000 and how to say years as part of the date.  We also practiced the identity question page 32, then worked on a packet about the geography of France.

A Faire:  Write the following numbers in French (words!): (remember that they cannot be said the same as in English!)
1492, 1653, 1776, 1789, 1793, 1804, 1848, 1871, 1900, 1914, 1925, 1939, 1947, 1968, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2013 

Handouts:  Geography packet

Devoirs:  Finish geography packet

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vendredi 01/11

Today we corrected quizzes (to earn partial credit back and learn from mistakes!), learned how to form inversion questions (see pg 60 in the book.)

A Faire :  pg 61 # 9 ATTENTION: My directions are different!!  Write an inversion question for each bullet point using subjects given (ta tante, tes voisins).  Do not write whole conversation!

Devoirs: pg 60 #8 but this time write inversion questions.  No need to answer because you already did:)

Annonces:  Calendars accepted only until Wednesday!

                 Quiz corrections must be completed in tutorial!

                  Tardy detentions must be served by Wednesday or they double!
                  Turn in bathroom passes and extra credit coupons by Thursday!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mercredi 30/10

Today we learned about the 3 different ways to form questions in French and the questions that generate the 2 kinds of answers (oui/non, information). 

A Faire :  pg 21 #7 (write question and answer!), Halloween word search

Devoirs:  pg 60 #8 but ATTENTION:  My directions are different!  Write each of the questions using question word + est-ce que + rest of sentence.  Then answer for yourself in a complete sentence.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lundi 28/10

Today we learned about stress pronouns (see pg 23).

A Faire:  pg 23 #11

Devoirs:  pg 23 #12 (say what each person is doing at their house using chez + stress pronoun), Make sure you have both questions and answers from pg 21 #6 prepared for use in class on Wednesday!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vendredi 25/10

Today we presented dialogues, did a quick review, took a quiz, and then played “Loto”.

Devoirs:  pg 21 #6—write question and answer; follow formula:  question word + est-ce que + rest of sentence? (tu regardes la télé?)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mercredi 23/10

Today we presented dialogues and then went over homework from IR/RE handout and review packet #1.

A Faire :  Review packet #2, last page, #5

Handouts:  Review Packet #2

Devoirs:  Finish review packet #2 (to turn in!)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lundi 21/10

Today we started discussing interrogative expressions (question words) and then practiced and presented dialogues.

A Faire:  pg 22 #9 (write a complete sentence answer)

Handouts:  Review Packet

Devoirs:  Review packet (do all except listening, #9, #12).  Study for quiz!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Vendredi 18/10

Today we practiced possessive adjectives (my, yours, his/hers, theirs).  See pg R7.  We did a listening comprehension activity and we practiced dialogues (presentations start Monday!)
A Faire:  pg 17 #12 (write whole sentence!)  

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Listening comprehension—Vrai/Faux

Devoirs :  Study for Quiz.  Memorize dialogue and be ready to present! Study/take notes pg 21 (yellow box), do pg 22 #8 (rewrite question with the question word that makes sense)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mardi 15/10

Today we did some RE verb and dialogue practice and we talked about and saw a short video on the problem of online translators.

A Faire:  RE verb handout  #3 (write out the complete sentence that you are putting the conjugated verb into!)

Devoirs:  Review/take notes pg R7 “D”, do pg 17 #11 (write out whole sentence answer!)  Study/know ER/IR/RE verbs on regular verb handout (add IR/RE verbs to LOTO board for game Friday!), be prepared to present dialogues from memory and with any acting or props necessary.

Study for quiz:  ER/IR/RE verbs, numbers 1-,  French style phone numbers, school vocab, favorite subjects, paris history, prepositions pg 15, Je veux/peux/dois, preferer, DE + LE, days, months, seasons, weather, dates, questions

Annonce:  French Travel Club trip meeting this Thursday (10/17) in room 126!  Students and parents welcome!!  Please RSVP to Mme. Reid if you plan to attend!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

French Travel Club Information Meeting

Interested in traveling to France and Monaco this June??

French Travel Club Information Meeting for parents and students!
Thursday, October 17th, 7pm
Room 126 (Grant HS)
For more information, go to my website and click on the French Travel Club page!

RSVP by Wednesday 10/16 to: 

Mercredi 09/10

Today we practiced talking about school course preferences, RE verbs, dialogues and finished playing “Loto”.

A Faire:  RE verb handout.  #2 (complete sentence for each subject in the parentheses, conjugate appropriately!)

Devoirs:  Study/know ER/IR/RE verbs on  regular verb handout, IR verb handout #3 (recycle from questions for answers, must write complete sentences!!) 
Study for quiz:  ER/IR/RE verbs, numbers 1-,  French style phone numbers, school vocab, favorite subjects, Paris history, prepositions pg 15, Je veux/peux/dois, preferer, DE + LE, days, months, seasons, weather, dates, questions

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lundi 07/10

Today we reviewed ER/IR/RE verb conjugations/songs, went over the Paris: Une Histoire reading, discussed some common mistakes in the dialogue scripts (got scripts back), and had work time in dialogue groups.

A Faire:  IR handout #1, RE handout #1 (write out whole sentences!)

Handouts:  IR/RE Handout

Devoirs:  IR handout #2 (complete sentences), Final dialogue script due (prefer that it is typed but will accept very neatly written—each partner should have a copy and turn another copy into me!), study ER/IR/RE verbs on handout (handed out 9/25).  Quiz next week over everything we’ve been doing!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Vendredi 04/10

Today we practiced talking about some school subjects and we reviewed IR and RE verb endings/songs.  We also had some work time for dialogues.  Then we started playing “Loto.”
Handouts:  Verb chart.

Devoirs :  Study for Quiz (look at notes and assignments)—Coming soon!  Practice out loud 15 minutes each day! Pg 22 #10: define verbs, write each sentence with the appropriate conjugation of the verb.  Binder/Cahier check Monday!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Back to School Night

Contact Information and Class Resources:
Madame Reid:
Click here for a copy of:  Syllabus, Parent Letter, and ClassExpectations/Policies

Goals:        -Provide a safe and comfortable environment where students can take risks
                          and make mistakes
                        -Help students learn to speak, comprehend, read, and write
                        -Keep lessons practical (based on real life scenarios) and relevant to
                         students’ lives (appeal to their interests and future goals)
                        -Emphasis on culture of French-speaking world
                        -Make learning French fun!

The Class:   -Activity/Project based  (learning through experience!)
                        -Start controlled and become more open-ended
                        -Lots of in class oral practice as well as listening, reading and writing

Expectations:  -Students are focused, engaged and active participants
                        -Homework 20-30 min/night.  Practice out loud every day for 15 min minimum!
                        -Organization:  binder/notebook
                                    -Build resource binder
                                    -Notebook (spiral/composition) for warm-ups, HW & in-class

Finals policy 
-4 or fewer absences (of any kind) and final exam cannot hurt grade, 2 tardies=1 absence

            *incentive for regular attendance

Mercredi 02/10

Today we practiced phone numbers “French style”, started some new vocabulary (pg 5) and had some time to work on dialogues (and finish number quizzes!) 

A Faire:  Sondage (survey), Talk to 6 people in class.  Ask their name and phone number (in French!!!), write them down.

Handouts:  Reading questions

Devoirs:  Study/know ER verbs on front of regular verb handout AND Read pgs. 4-5 in book.  Answer questions about reading (see handout) in complete sentences in French!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lundi 30/09

Today we reviewed prepositions of place and phone numbers (French style!)  We also worked on book scavenger hunt (will stamp for this next time!)

A Faire:  Write sentences from looking at animals/basket and using all prepostions of place on pg 15

Devoirs:  pg 13 #4 (use dictionary in book!)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vendredi 27/09

Today we reviewed some weather vocab, prepositions of place, and learned about how “de” contracts with the articles “le” and “les”.  We went over and practiced orally pg 20 #5 and we talked about ways to be successful in this class.

A Faire:  pg 15 #9 (only have to write question and answer, not pardon/merci) and do orally with a partner.

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Set 2 MEASURABLE goals for the semester in the semester 1 box of goal sheet, chasse au trésor.

Devoirs : Practice out loud 15 minutes each day!  Take notes over yellow box pg. 13, do pg 12 #2 (complete sentences!), study ER verbs for bingo.

Annonces:  Quiz coming soon!  Cahier/Binder checks next week!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mercredi 25/09

Today we reviewed seasons, weather, veux/dois, ER verb conjugations, and prepositions of place (in, in front, behind, under, etc). 

A Faire:  visual dictionary for words in yellow box pg 15 (each box/entry must have: word/expression, picture, sentence using word or expression), Also pg 15 #8 (write out the entire sentence!)

Devoirs:  Study/know ER verbs on front of regular verb handout AND pg 20 #5 (follow model to write invitations to do the activities in the invitation category, then also write excuses, following the model, for each invitation).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lundi 23/09

Today we reviewed a lot of vocabulary!  We practiced weather, days, months, seasons, and -ER verbs.  Make sure you know these well!!!

Devoirs:  pg 14 #6.  For each one:  identify the verb, identify the nouns (at least 2 in each!), answer the question in French, and then translate both the question and answer into English.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Vendredi 20/09

Today we reviewed the vocabulary: aujourd’hui, demain, hier and the weather.  We talked about likes and dislikes using infinitive construction (j’aime (danser, chanter, regarder la télé, etc)  We also discussed the irregularity in conjugating the verb préférer.  While I did number quizzes, students played a dice game called “Cent”.
Handouts:  Paris Reading

A Faire:  pg 12 #1 (and do orally with a partner using the question: “Qu’est-ce que tu préfères ____ ou _____?)

TEC (Travail en Classe):  Write out your score (numbers) in words while playing the game Cent.

Devoirs :  Paris reading and comprehension questions (must write answers in complete sentences—NO 1 WORD ANSWERS—and in your cahier!), pg 20 #4 part deux (using vocab in yellow box pg 20, say 2 things the you want/can/must do in each of the circumstances (Avec mes amis…)  Make sure to vary your choices so you’re practicing all of them!  Practice out loud 15 minutes each day!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mercredi 18/09

Today in class we practiced saying what we like and don't like to do in summer, practiced ER verb conjugations (song), how to make negative sentences, and practiced numbers.

A Faire:  pg 19 #3 (you must write one, complete sentence for each bullet point!!)

Devoirs:  pg 20 #4 For each circumstance (en general, avec mes amis, avec ma famille, etc) write something you like to do AND something you don't like to do.  (a like and a don't like for each of the 6 circumstances, a total of 12 short sentences).  Take notes over the yellow box pg 20.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lundi 10/06

Today in class we reviewed for the final.

A Faire:  5th page (says pg 46 on the bottom) of review packet (all 3 activities!)

Devoirs: last page of review packet (reading activity), complete "mon livre de grammaire" (in order to use a notecard on the final), be prepared for oral presentations, work on review packet

Review packet (stamp for every page you complete!), and calendar will be due the day of the final!