Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jeudi 18/12

Today we practiced the expression “être en train de”, learned about the end of semester project and continued watching “Les Visiteurs.”

Handouts :  Ma Créature

Devoirs :  Read Ma Creature project handout, writ rough draft (double spaced) of at least 15-20 sentences for peer edit on Monday Jan. 5!  Study verbs (especially avoir—pop quiz coming!) PRACTICE!!



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mardi 16/12

Today we practiced using the être expressions (à l’heure/en avance/en retard), learned the expression “être en train de” (see pg 44) and giving physical descriptions.  We also reviewed the conjugations of avoir and être and started the film “Les Visiteurs”.

A Faire:  From the image (Click here!) choose a boy and a girl to describe.  5 sentences minimum for each person and at least 3 must be about physical description, the other 2 can be about personality (infer based on picture).

Devoirs :  pg 45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in column: 1-say where is person is (choose place), 2-say what each person is busy/currently doing at that place (choose activity)  Be logical, choose an activity that makes since for the place!)  Study avoir (pop quiz coming!), finish acrostic/pic with 8 sentence description (MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY 12/19!)

Lundi 15/12

Today we had a substitute.  We worked on some irregular adjective review and made an acrostic with our names/adjectives to describe us.

TEC: Acrostic assignment and criteria:  (See example!)
Make an acrostic using first, middle, and/or last name and adjectives that represent you. 
Must have 10 letters/adjectives, adjective agreements, spelling/accents, color
*can use book pgs 46-48 and handout with physical description for adjectives
*can also write sentences instead of just using a word ex: I like…/I don’t like…/I have (black) hair
*K and W are difficult in French because they are not “natural” letters—try using nouns and/or to write sentences to get around them.

A FaireAdjective practice

Devoirs :  Etre/Avoir practice (both sides), finish acrostic to turn in Tuesday.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jeudi 11/12

Today we practiced the expression “être d’accord” and how to give physical descriptions.

A Faire:  describe with your partner what you see in each slide.  You may be identifying a body part or giving a physical description.  Use the following sentence starters: C’est/Ce sont…, il/elle a…, il/elle est…

Devoirs Choose a picture (magazine, internet, photo, etc.) of a person and describe his/her physique et personality, 8 phrases total.  Bring pic and sentences to turn in Monday!  Study expressions: être a l’heure/être en avance/être en retard (pg 44), do pg 45 #3 (#2 & #3, answer ALL questions and use complete sentences!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mardi 09/12

Today we continued using adjectives to describe personalities, particularly about our families.  We went over some previous homework and learned some about giving physical descriptions.

A Faire:  Each slide in the PowerPoint is divided in half.  For each half, write a singular and a plural sentence.  Make sure you have done at least one masculine and one feminine sentence per slide and check your agreements.  Follow the sentence patterns below:
C’est (Ce n’est pas) un homme/garçon ____              
C’est (Ce n’est pas) une femme/fille _____                
C’est un bébé ________  
Ce sont (ce ne sont pas) les hommes _____
Ce sont (ce ne sont pas) les femmes _____                                           
Ce sont les personnes (f)  ________
Ce sont les animaux _______

Devoirs :  Finish labeling body parts, study avoir (pop quiz coming), write a physical description of yourself (5 sentences), be ready to share sondage findings (if you were absent you need to see Monday’s post and prepare at least some sentences!), pg 43 #3 (Do #1 only, but answer all 4 questions posed.)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Lundi 08/12

Today we practiced questions for finding out if people have brothers and sisters and how many, then if they are older or younger.  We finished by doing a survey of 10 classmates in French (the point is to be able to communicate about your family all in French!)

*Combien de frères et sœurs as-tu ?     -OR-  Est-ce que tu as des frères et des sœurs ?

J’ai _#_ frères et _#_ sœurs.   –OR-  Je n’ai pas de frères ou sœurs.  Je suis enfant unique.

*Est-ce qu’ils sont plus âgés ou plus jeunes que toi ?

Mes frères/sœurs sont _______ que moi.        -OR- 
Mon frère/sœur est ____ que moi       -OR- 
Un frère est ____ et une sœur et un frère sont ____ que moi. (make this answer fit your criteria!)

A Fairecomplete the “sondage de famille” in class by asking 10 classmates questions in French as well as answering about your own.

Handouts :  Sondage de famille

Devoirs :  Write sentences in French to explain your findings in the survey.  Remember to make the adjectives “plus âgé” and “plus jeune” agree with the person you are describing like brother(s)/sister(s) (add e/s/es?).  Also consider connecting sentences using “and” and “but”.
Use the following sentence pattern: 
     Dans la famille de _nom_,    ses frères sont _______ que lui/elle
                           ses sœurs sont _______ que lui/elle
                           sa sœur est _______ que lui/elle
                           son frère est _______ que lui/elle

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jeudi 04/12

Today we reviewed regular/irregular adjectives, did an être quiz and the listening retake, then played Battleship.

Devoirs :  Adjective packet pg 111 #4 (write an affirmative or negative sentence saying whether or not the person is the adjective in parentheses based on the context given.  Pay attention to agreements!); pg 49 #7 (rewrite each sentence with the new nouns given in parentheses, make sure the adjective now agrees with the new noun.  Must rewrite for each new noun given!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mardi 02/12

Today we learned the question to ask what someone is like (“Comment est ____?”) and practiced describing personalities using regular and irregular adjectives.  We also did listening and être practice in anticipation of the listening retake (Thur) and être pop quiz (soon!).

A Faire:  pg 49 #9 (read the sentence(s) and write a sentence describing her personality—make sure you use feminine agreements!)

Devoirs :  Adjective packet (given out 2 weeks ago!) pg 110 #3 (front page), choose 5 family members (you may use 1 friend instead of a family member if you like) and describe his/her personality.  In a complete sentence, say 3 things each person IS and 3 things each person ISN’T.  Try to use irregular adjectives as well!

Last Day to turn in missing projects/tests from 1st quarter is this Friday 12/05!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Lundi 01/12

Today we learned some Thanksgiving vocab and started preparing a survey for class tomorrow.

A Faire:  Take notes over vocabulary in PowerPoint.  Answer questions giving 2-3 things for each:  “Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger pour Thanksgiving?” and « Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas (détestes) manger pour Thanksgiving?"

Devoirs :  Study être (2nd POP quiz this week and I’ll keep the better of the 2 scores), Write sentences about the ideal qualities of the following people:  Mes voisins, mes camarades de classe.  Say 2 things they are and 2 things they aren’t.  Start describing the personality of your family (3-4 phrases) as a whole or individual members.  Come with the questions necessary to complete the survey tomorrow (look at the chart/table and then look in your notes/book!)