Today we practiced
using the être expressions (à l’heure/en avance/en retard), learned the
expression “être en train de” (see pg 44) and giving physical
descriptions. We also reviewed the conjugations
of avoir and être and started the film “Les Visiteurs”.
A Faire: From the image (Click here!) choose a boy and
a girl to describe. 5 sentences minimum
for each person and at least 3 must be about physical description, the other 2
can be about personality (infer based on picture).
Handouts : Activités des Visiteurs
Devoirs : pg
45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in column: 1-say where is person is
(choose place), 2-say what each person is busy/currently doing at that place
(choose activity) Be logical, choose an
activity that makes since for the place!)
Study avoir (pop quiz coming!), finish acrostic/pic with 8 sentence
description (MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY 12/19!)