Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mardi 02/12

Today we learned the question to ask what someone is like (“Comment est ____?”) and practiced describing personalities using regular and irregular adjectives.  We also did listening and être practice in anticipation of the listening retake (Thur) and être pop quiz (soon!).

A Faire:  pg 49 #9 (read the sentence(s) and write a sentence describing her personality—make sure you use feminine agreements!)

Devoirs :  Adjective packet (given out 2 weeks ago!) pg 110 #3 (front page), choose 5 family members (you may use 1 friend instead of a family member if you like) and describe his/her personality.  In a complete sentence, say 3 things each person IS and 3 things each person ISN’T.  Try to use irregular adjectives as well!

Last Day to turn in missing projects/tests from 1st quarter is this Friday 12/05!