Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mercredi 25/11

Today, we discussed how we will celebrate Thanksgiving, reviewed “c’est” & “il/elle est”, wrote riddles in class and did some oral practice around phone conversations.

Objectif: Students will be able to use c’est/il est to describe people

A Faire :  Front side of etre/avoir handout.  Match the sentences to the pictures they describe.

TEC:  Write a riddle (une devinette) describing a recognizable person, the class will guess (deviner).  Follow this criteria:
Work individually (6 phrases minimums) or in partners (9 phrases minimums), organize your sentences from most vague to specific (so as not to give it away at the beginning), make sure your writing is legible.  Use: c’est/il est (in correct forms), adjectives, descriptions of physique and personality, include his/her job and/or describe what they do in life.

Devoirs :  pg 51 #10 (sentence using c’est/il est in correct form for EACH bullet point!), back of Etre/Avoir practice handout, summative test before winter break, start studying!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lundi 23/11

We reviewed adjectives, covered questions 21 & 22 from the question list (thus finishing the list), and learned how to distinguish between using “c’est/ce sont” and “il est/elle est/ils sont/elles sont” when describing people or things.

Objectif: Students will learn when to use “c’est” & “il/elle est”

A Faire :  Adjective packet #3 (Juliette a de la chance!)

TECSee PowerPoint

Devoirs :  livre pg 39 #9, Adjective packet #5 (Descriptions), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jeudi 19/11

Today we did lots of oral practice of physical/personality descriptions as well as describing family relationships.  We did a listening activity, learned and practiced a few more expressions with “avoir” and started a game of “Loto.”

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to give physical and personality descriptions.

A Faire :  Write 6 sentences using each of the given avoir expressions and 6 different subjects/conjugations of avoir.  Expressions:  besoin de, envie de, du mal à, mal à, l’habitude de, l’air

Devoirs :  Adjective packet #4 “Oui/Non”  (read the sentence and use the adjective given in parentheses to write an accurate sentence about the person.  Pay attention to agreements!!), Adjective packet #4 “Questions” (write inversion questions for the prompts given, look up any vocab in the dictionary in the back of your book!)  Study verbs!! (Avoir quiz part deux coming soon…)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mardi 17/11

We reviewed some questions from the list and professions, did a partner speaking activity, practiced some avoir expressions, discussed the events in Paris and watched some videos.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use avoir expressions to express desires and needs.

Handouts :  Avoir Expressions, *See my Facebook page (Grant High School French) for the videos.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes aux questions suivantes:
1.      Quel est le travail de Obama?   
2.      Quelle est la profession de Johnny Depp ?
3.      Que fait Tyra Banks ? 
4.      Quel est le travail de Meredith Grey de Grey’s Anatomy ? 
5.      Quelle et la profession de Angelina Jolie ? 
6.      Que fait ton père/ta mère ? (Choisissez une !)

TECpg 57 #3 (write 2 sentences for each, 1 saying what activity each person “feels like/wants” to do, and the other saying what each “needs” from the blue box to do the activity)

Devoirs :  Back side of “Avoir Expression” handout (complete sentences using subject given and visual prompt for expressions), write a description of yourself include 5 physical attributes and 5 personality attributes (complete sentences!) Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/11

We practiced giving physical descriptions of self and others.  We also learned how to use some expressions with “avoir.”

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to give physical descriptions.

A Faire :  Write sentences describing 2 physical and 1 personality attribute for each picture in the PowerPoint.

Devoirs :  Back of expression handout (see 10/28) #1 & #2 only, Write 15 sentences about the Duck family describing family relationships (follow the pattern:  _nom(s)_ est(sont) le/la/l’(les) _relationship_ de _nom_.  See examples on the handout)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mardi 10/11

We got new seats and used the question list/identity questions (pg 32) to get to know them.  We also did a listening activity, learned some new adjective vocabulary and reviewed the verb “avoir.”

ObjectifStudents will be able to use adjectives to give personality descriptions 

A Faire: Pg 49 #8 (questions & answers, must agree with « personnes » (fpl) !)

Devoirs :  Study/take notes pg 56, pg 57 #2 (use expressions pg 56 to write thoughts in “je” form), pg 57 #1(use a conjugation of avoir to link the subject to the rest of the sentence given.) study all irregular verbs: etre/avoir/faire/aller and regulars too!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/11

We practiced using regular and irregular adjectives, doing introductions (formal/informal), and having phone conversations.

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to describe the personality of others.

A Faire :  pg 49 #9—(read then write a sentence using an irregular adjective to describe the person, make appropriate agreements!)

Devoirs :  pg 49 #7 (rewrite the whole sentence with each new noun (2-3) in parentheses and make the appropriate adjective agreement), study the verb "avoir" (quiz next week!), review family and profession vocabulary.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mercredi 04/11

Today we went over the “questions personnelles” pg 45, did some partner practice of the question list (particularly questions 10-13) and learned about the placement of adjectives and making agreements (for gender/number) for regular ones.

Objectif: Students will be able to describe the professions of others.

A Faire pg 47 #4—rewrite and complete the last sentence in each number with an adjective that makes sense and an appropriate agreement.

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write a sentence saying 2 adjectives the ideal of each person is and 1 adjective they aren’t), Study/take notes pgs 46-48 (define adjectives you don’t already know, take notes over irregular endings, keep track of other usage info), Study/take notes pg 39 (over bolded vocab and any other new material in both presentations& telephone)  Practice these out loud so you are ready to practice them in class!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lundi 02/11

:We continued practicing expressions with être and picked up our conversation about professions again.  We started working through questions 10-13 on the question list.  We also watched the music video for our song “Hey Oh.”

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe the professions of others.

A Faire: pg 45 #3—2 & 3.  Write complete sentence answers to all questions asked in each number.  Share in partners and be ready to share in class as a warm up on Wed.

Devoirs :  Unité 1 leçon 1 worksheet (front & back), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!  You will have another être quiz Wed or Fri.  I will keep that score as your final.