Today we did lots of oral practice of
physical/personality descriptions as well as describing family
relationships. We did a listening
activity, learned and practiced a few more expressions with “avoir” and started
a game of “Loto.”
Objectif: Students
will be able to use adjectives to give physical and personality descriptions.
A Faire : Write 6 sentences using each of the given avoir
expressions and 6 different subjects/conjugations of avoir. Expressions: besoin de, envie de, du mal à, mal à, l’habitude
de, l’air
Devoirs : Adjective
packet #4 “Oui/Non” (read the sentence
and use the adjective given in parentheses to write an accurate sentence about
the person. Pay attention to agreements!!),
Adjective packet #4 “Questions” (write inversion questions for the prompts
given, look up any vocab in the dictionary in the back of your book!) Study verbs!! (Avoir quiz part deux coming