Monday, December 7, 2015

Lundi 07/12

We did some oral practice, read some devinettes and discussed in detail the exam next week.  We also did some review in preparation.

Objectif: Students will be able to use être/avoir/faire expressions to ask/answer questions about life/activities.

A Faire :   PowerPoint: Que fait-il ?  For each slide write one or two answers (depending on questions asked) saying the professions of the people.  Try to vary your usage of “c’est/il est” in your reponses in order to get practice with both!

Handouts :  PowerPoint : Que fait-il ?, TEC : Sondage, Exam topics of study (keep in mind much of the list is just review from last year!)

TECWrite answers to the questions you prepared as homework for the sondage.  You should be using être/avoir/faire expressions in question and response.  We went over some of the questions so check yourself with the link in handouts (for a blank copy, see last Thursday!)

Devoirs :  Finish sondage questions and answers (we will be using these at the beginning of class when we do the survey!) pg 61 #9 (write inversion questions about the people given, remember that ER verbs in the il/elle form need a “-t-“ in between the verb and the subject to avoid the vowel clash.)  Study for test!!