Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mardi 01/12

Today we discussed the foods we like and don’t like eating for Thanksgiving.  We also practiced the verb “faire” and some of the expressions that go with it.

Objectif: Students will be able to use “faire de” to talk about a variety of activities.

A Faire See handout for images.  Write a sentence using “faire”, subject pronoun given, and an expression or any other necessary vocabulary to make it complete.

TECTake notes over the vocabulary in the Thanksgiving PowerPoint and participate in class discussion.

Devoirs :  Back of expression handout (old) #3, pg 59 #5 (2 sentences for each: 1 about what they study using “faire”, 1 about what they logically want to do as a profession based on studies), study verbs! Study for the summative exam before Winter Break!