Thursday, March 31, 2016

Jeudi 31/03

We practiced our irregular verbs, went over some reading comprehension, did some oral practice in partners and then learned about Poisson d’Avril (French April Fool’s Day.)

ObjectifStudents practice using new irregular verbs and learn about Poisson d’Avril.

TEC:  Make “poisson d’avril”!

Devoirs :  pg 116 #2 (answer all questions and write in complete sentences), read/take notes (over content and useful/important vocab) pg 142-143 (comprehension activity on Monday!!), Study for test next Wednesday and bring any questions to class on Monday!

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, être/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, prendre/mettre/venir families of verbs, weekend/metro vocab/expressions, Mardi Gras, Poisson d'Avril

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mardi 29/03

We talked about vacations, reviewed our new irregular verbs, did a survey of classmates, and had time to review for our test next week (by playing Pictionary with vocab!)

ObjectifStudents will practice using the new irregular verbs.

A Faire:   Write your answer to the following questions.  Then ask 3 other people the questions and take notes over their answers.  Finally, put your findings (others answers to questions) into sentence form. 

      1.      Est-ce que tu apprends à jouer d’un instrument/à un sport?       
      2.      Quelles langues comprends-tu ? 
      3.      En général, à quelle heure est-ce que tu mets la télé ?

Devoirs :  take notes pg 116 (verb/expression), do #1 on the same page.

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, être/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, prendre/mettre/venir families of verbs, weekend/metro vocab/expressions, Mardi Gras…

Friday, March 18, 2016

Vendredi 18/03

We had our fête de crêpe!

ObjectifStudents will celebrate with crepes.

Devoirspg 111 #14 (complete sentences and respond to all questions!)  Study for summative exam after break (particularly vocabulary…faire/avoir/être expressions, verbs, weekend activities, etc...)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mercredi 16/03

We did a little review and then took a quiz.  We also finished dialogue presentations.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate understanding of vocabulary on a quiz.

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 110, do #13 (choose verb that fits, conjugate!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lundi 14/03

We reviewed vocabulary, had time to prepare dialogue presentations and then presented the group dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will present summative dialogues

A Faire:   pg 101 #4 (1-4 only, complete sentences and answer all questions !)

TEC:  Take notes over vocabulary/phrases taught by each dialogue group !

Devoirs :  Finish 101 #4 (5-7, complete sentences and answer all questions !), study vocab pg 96-100 (quiz Wed!)  FETE DE CREPE VENDREDI!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jeudi 10/03

We learned some vocabulary related to Paris/city activities and the metro and practiced dialogues.  We also played “Aller à la pêche” (Go Fish) in French.

ObjectifStudents will learn vocabulary for weekend activities in the city (Paris) and the metro.

A Faire:   1) Take notes pg 98 yellow box, 2) read “note culturelle” pg 98 out loud in partners, write English summary (for understanding) 3) Do pg 99 #3  4) practice dialogues.

TEC:  Aller à la pêche

Devoirs :  paquet #3, reading comp on back of venir/revenir/devenir handout, study vocab pg 96-100 (quiz before break!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mardi 08/03

We listened to our new song, practiced vocabulary, went over homework, finished our speaking activity and had time to prepare dialogue presentations for MONDAY!

ObjectifStudents will review weekend activity vocabulary and recent structures.

A Faire:   Paquet #7C--(write in cahier, going to do…use new vocab, write to any friend, complete sentences!)

TEC:  Tête à Tête (partner speaking activity)

Devoirs :  Paquet #1 (doesn’t belong), #7A (use vocab pg 96/100) & #7B (*CAN do! Phrases complètes!)  Study/memorize vocab pgs 96/100 (Quiz before Spring Break!), Practice dialogues (presentations MONDAY for EVERYONE!  You MUST be an attendance Mon or talk to me ahead of time!)

Friday, March 4, 2016

Vendredi 04/03

We listened to our new song, did lots of oral practice with new weekend vocabulary and some recent verb expressions.  We had some good time to practice dialogues and went over the new vocabulary (pg 100).

ObjectifStudents will practice vocabulary for weekend activities

A Faire:   Paquet (les activités du weekend) #6, write complete sentences using new weekend vocabulary to describe the activities pictured.  Pay attention to vocab and verb conjugations!

TEC:  Tête à Tête (partner speaking activity)

Devoirs :  Paquet (les activités du weekend) #2 (read for context then using vocab, write what each person is going to do), #4 (use articles!) & #5 (Choose the word that makes the most sense in each sentence), study all new vocab and all verb conjugations !!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mercredi 02/03

We learned some new vocabulary (pg 96) and did some practice with it.  We also went over the homework and had time to practice dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will learn vocabulary for weekend activities

A Faire:   pg 97 #2 (For each image, write responses to the questions : Où vas-tu ce weekend ? Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire là-bas ?)  Practice out loud !

TEC:  Practice dialogue

Devoirs :  study/take notes verbs/vocab pg 96 and 100 (make sure you are familiar enough with vocab on both pages that you can use them when you arrive in class!!), do 101 #5.  PRACTICE DIALOGUE!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lundi 29/02

We learned 2 new faire expressions (faire du bénévolat/faire la graisse matinée) and 2 new verbs (revenir/devenir), did a survey of classmates using “depuis”, and did a peer-edit of dialogue scripts.

ObjectifStudents will learn verbs related to venir

A Faire:   Famille Venir #A (handout)

TEC:  Dialogue peer-edit.

Devoirs :  Famille Venir handout B w/ times written in words and using 24hr clock/12hr clock with expressions for time of day.  Final dialogue script (typed, 1 copy for me and for each member of the group, ready to practice!)