We talked about vacations, reviewed our new
irregular verbs, did a survey of classmates, and had time to review for our
test next week (by playing Pictionary with vocab!)
Objectif: Students will practice using the
new irregular verbs.
A Faire: Write your answer to the following
questions. Then ask 3 other people the
questions and take notes over their answers.
Finally, put your findings (others answers to questions) into sentence
que tu apprends à jouer d’un instrument/à un sport?
langues comprends-tu ?
En général,
à quelle heure est-ce que tu mets la télé ?
Devoirs : take notes pg 116 (verb/expression), do
#1 on the same page.
All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO
All quizzes must be made up this week!!
Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.
Topics to study/review:
adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, être/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller
+ infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de +
place/infinitive, prendre/mettre/venir families of verbs, weekend/metro
vocab/expressions, Mardi Gras…