Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mercredi 27/04

We learned how to express parts of a whole and multiples of something (some), we also learned the verb “boire.”

ObjectifStudents will learn the partitive articles.

A Faire:  pg 159 #5 (prepare questions and your responses using partitive articles as appropriate)

TEC:  pg 166 #1 (writing), pg 147 #3 (oral), pg 159 #4 (oral)

Devoirs :  Paquet lecon 10 #3 & #4

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lundi 25/04

We reviewed food vocabulary and irregular verbs.  We also went over our tests and how to retake. We also started a formative assessment for our food knowledge.

ObjectifStudents will review vocabulary and irregular verbs.

A Faire:  Paquet lecon 10 #2

TEC:  Paquet lecon 9 #6B…write a letter on a separate sheet of paper addressing all of the questions from this activity.  Pay close attention to your use of vocabulary and try to elaborate on your answers.  Must be neatly written in complete sentences and ready to turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Devoirs :  Finish TEC (paquet lecon 9 #6B, see directions above!!), also do paquet lecon 9 #6A

Friday, April 22, 2016

Jeudi 21/04

We had a French guest speaker today who talked and answered questions about French culture/life.

ObjectifStudents will learn about French culture from a guest speaker.

Devoirs pg 151 #9 (going to buy, all necessary components), pg 157 #2 (what they can’t do!)  Study verbs (new/old), vocab/structures for food!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mardi 19/04

We learned new fruits/veggies and practiced vocabulary for shopping at a farmer’s market.  We did some speaking practice and learned the verb “vouloir.”

ObjectifStudents will practice fruit/veggie/vocab for shopping in farmer’s market

A Faire:  pg 151 #10 (write entire dialogue, practice in partners)

TEC:  Sondage (class survey) using pg 151#11

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 156, add verbs to verb chart.  Pg 157 #1 (use “vouloir” to express what activities the people want to do.)  Study all new/old irregular verbs (verb quiz coming!!)  Study all food vocabulary/structures (assessments starting next week!)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Vendredi 15/04

We reviewed vocabulary with some writing/speaking activities and a game of Loto.  Then we took a quiz.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge of food vocab.

A Faire:  pg 149 #8 (6 subjects, 2 sentences each)

TEC:  Loto

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 150, do pg 151 #11 (Question & Reponses), continue to study vocab pgs 142-150

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mercredi 13/04

We continued discussing preferences and began discussing how to order and behave appropriately in a restaurant/café setting (getting the servers attention, tipping, etc).  We also heard a presentation from a visiting French student and got to ask questions.  Finally, we prepared our boards for a review game of Loto.

ObjectifStudents will talk about food preferences and learn to order food.

A Faire:  Using this image (Cliquez ici) to write what is missing from the place settings.  Use the structure: Il/Elle n’a pas DE…

TEC:  Prepare Loto board with any of the bolded vocabulary from pg. 148

Devoirs : pg 147 #4 (write entire dialogues filling in missing lines.), study vocab pgs 142-148 (quiz de vocab vendredi!!)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lundi 11/04

We practiced lots of food and table vocabulary.  We had a chance to talk about and share our own food preferences.

ObjectifStudents will learn to talk about food preferences.

A Faire:  pg 149 #7 (Questions using « est-ce que » or inversion & your responses to the questions)  *we did this as a survey in class.

TEC:  Mettre la table…draw and label a place setting with all 9 of the items we practiced in class (vocab pg 144, including un bol (bowl) and une nappe (tablecloth)) Must be neat, show effort and use color. *See example in photocopies…

Devoirs :  pg 149 #5 (und phrase par image),Repondez a la question : « Quelles sont tes cuisines préférées ? », study vocab pgs 142-148 (quiz de vocab vendredi!!), finish « Mettre la table » for turn in on Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mercredi 06/04

There was an opportunity to ask questions/get clarifications and then we took our test.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge on a test.

Devoirs :  Take detailed notes over pgs 146 & 148, then write sentences telling 3 things (for each) that you like, don’t like that much, love and hate.  Pg 145 #1 (write complete sentence.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Lundi 04/04

We did some review for the test and some reading comprehension around shopping for food in France.

ObjectifStudents will learn about shopping for food in France.

A Faire:  Reading comprehension questions from pgs 142-143 (see handouts)

Devoirs :  take notes vocab pg 144 (you should know this vocab when you arrive in class!!), do pg 145 #2 ( use avoir besoin de and new vocabulary), study for test!!

Study for examen :  adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, etre/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, devenir/revenir/mettre/prendre (related verbs), weekend/metro vocab/expressions, mardi gras, poisson d’avril,