We reviewed the partitive and the verb boire (we also learned voir
because it’s a similar conjugation).
Then we started learning l’imparfait
(one form of the past tense, see pg 316 for formation.) It has multiple functions but we focused on
using it to express what we “used to do/be.”
A Faire: pg 166 #1 (use a conjugation of boire and a
drink choice from the box to complete the sentences)
TEC: Write 5 sentences using l’imparfait. Say 1) what you used to eat; 2) what you used
to like to eat; 3) what you used to hate to eat; 4) what you used to prefer to
eat; 5) what you used to not really like eating
Devoirs :
Packet pg 99 #1 (boire), livre pg 317 #1 (imparfait), pg 111 #14--6-9
only (write complete sentences and answer all questions asked, look for
clues to answer !)