We reviewed imparfait and went over some homework. We also learned the other form of the past
tense: le passé compose (see pgs 104-105 for more info). We did watch a little of our film at the end
of class.
A Faire: pg 320 #6 (say what people were/weren’t
doing 100 years ago, beaucoup de gens/tout le monde/on are all singular and
thus must use the il/elle form of the verb, vivre = vivons)
TEC: pg 105 #1
(say what each person bought using passé composé, look up vocabulary if
necessary…try “bathing suit” instead of swimsuit, FYI)
Devoirs : Review past tenses, review present tense
verbs especially être/avoir, finish A Faire/TEC if not completed in class, do
front side of leçon 6 handout (#1-what you did/didn’t do from the list, #2-read
the sentence of context, say what the people did/didn’t do—be logical! All in
passé compose!)