We reviewed imparfait and learned how to use “être” (which does not
follow the same formation pattern as every other verb in French) to give
descriptions of people. We reviewed the
partitive articles (and articles in general), and talked about the verb “mettre”
and related verbs “permettre/promettre.”
We also started watching a film.
A Faire: using “être” in the imparfait to answer
the question “comment étais-tu?” for an age of your
choice in the past (describe physique and personality). Use the following sentence format: Quand j’avais # ans, J’étais…
TEC: Add verbs pgs 126, 224 to verb chart!
Write your answers to the following questions:
1) Est-ce
que tes parents permettent à toi de sortir avec tes amis après minuit?
2) Si (if) tu es un bon(ne) ami(e), qu’est-ce
que tu promets à tes amis ? Je
promets de_(infinitif)__/d’être_(adjectif)__
Devoirs :
pg 318 #4 (say where the people “were” using être and place given, and then what they “were
doing/was going on” using the infinitive given.
Study for test over food vocab/expressions/culture
and partitive articles next Tuesday!