Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeudi 10/09

We continued to work on stress/subject pronouns, learned to ask and answer questions 14 & 15  from the question list and took a vocabulary quiz over ER verbs.

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: 2 parts
      1)       Utilisez un pronom « stress » dans vos réponses…
a)      Est-ce que tu as des classes avec tes amis ?  Je…
b)      Est-ce que vous avez des bonbons pour Madame Reid ?   Nous…

      2)      Pg 23 #11 : Write an affirmative/negative sentence (based on the oui/non in parentheses) and replace the subject with a pronoun and use a stress pronoun.

Devoirs :  Verb practice #1, Mot croisé (gives the page number for reference), Study IR/RE verbs for vocab quiz next week.  Continue to study and practice ER verb vocabulary