Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mercredi 16/09

Today we learned how to form questions in 4 ways. We also listened to our song, learned some new school vocabulary (pg 5) and practiced questions 18-20 on the question list.

ObjectifStudents will be able to form 4 kinds of questions.

A Faire: Rewrite the following questions in inversion format:
1.      Comment est-ce que tu vas à l’école?
2.      Est-ce qu’elle porte une robe ?
3.      Est-ce qu’il habite à Portland ?
4.      Est-ce que tu choisis des lunettes de soleil ?
5.      Est-ce qu’ils vendent des montres ?

TEC Sondage… write inversion questions and ask 8 people their preferences from pg 12 #1.  Be sure to respond using the French responses you wrote for homework!

Devoirs :  study ER/IR/RE (quiz Fri!), take notes pg 15 (yellow box), do #8 (write whole sentence, les outils = tools) and #9 (write sentence: replace 1st place with subject pronoun—il/elle, say where it is relative to place in parentheses), PRACTICE!