Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mardi 08/09

We continued practicing birth dates/places of self and others and tackled some big numbers.  We also did some verb practice and talked about the difference between “subject” and “stress” pronouns.  We listened to our new song!

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes.  Deux phrases pour chaque numéro !
      a)      Quand est-il/elle né(e) ?   (Il/Elle est né(e) le….)
      b)      Quel âge a-t-il/elle ?          (Il/Elle a ___ ans.)

1) (il) 7/14/1789          2) (elle) 12/ 01/1492           3) (il) 3/28/1615              4)  (elle) 10/31/1871

Devoirs :  materials (binder/cahier check coming!!) visual dictionary for 10 unknown/lesser known ER verbs (Must have: word (verb), image, sentence using word/verb in French), study all ER verbs (front/back) on the list for meaning (vocab quiz Thur!), pg 23 #12 (say that each person is doing that activity at his/her own home, using "chez" + stress pronoun)