Monday, September 24, 2012

Lundi 24/09

Today in class we did reviewed –ER verbs (sang verb song) and we talked about ways to ask questions in French.
4 ways to ask questions:  est-ce que…, inversion (switch subject/verb), intonation, n’est-ce pas?
2 kinds of questions :  oui/non, information

A Faire :  Pg 12 #1, write questions to find out preferences…practice both « est-ce que » and inversion (use each for ½ ).  Ex:  Est-ce que tu préféres…/préféres-tu….

Devoirs (Homework):  Finish A Faire questions (pg 12 #1), livre (book) pg 10 #6, STUDY FOR QUIZ!!!  (Review: question lists, numbers, time, days of the week, months, seasons, weather)