Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Semaine 1 (Week 1)

Mercredi (Wed) 05/09:  Today in class we did some speaking practice to start the year off on the right foot.  We practiced greeting a partner (Bonjour/Salut), saying our names (je m'appelle...) and how old we are (j'ai...ans), as well as our favorite colors (je préfère...bleu/vert/rose/etc...)

Devoirs (Homework):  Get a 3-ring binder and a spiral notebook/composition book for in-class journal.   

Jeudi (Thur)  06/09:  Today in class we reviewed numbers 1-100, did a group quiz over some French culture and language facts,  and discussed the class syllabus. 
Devoirs (Homework):  Get binder and notebook (by Tuesday 11/9), Read syllabus, share with parents/guardians, get signatures!