Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mardi 25/09

Today in class we practiced asking and answering questions in French.  We did a class survey about preferences and a listening activity.

Handouts (click on link):  Les Horloges(Clocks)

A Faire:  Use the preferences listed below to practice writing questions.  Write 4 questions for each set of preferences (be sure to practice all ways of making questions) and 2 must be oui/non, and 2 must be information questions…8 questions total!
La pizza/les hamburgers                                              le coca/le Pepsi

Travail en Classe:  Vrai/Faux (true/false) with listening activity

Devoirs (Homework):  Livre (book) pg 11 #7, 12 clocks (see handouts!), Study, memorize, practice out loud Question Lists and for QUIZ on Thursday.   (Review: question lists, numbers, time, days of the week, months, seasons, weather)