Lundi (Mon) 10/9: Today in class we started to review questions from French 1. Students also filled out a survey for me about their personal interests and favorite class activities.
Handouts (click on link): Question Packet, Survey
A Faire (Must do/warm-up): Réponds à phrases complètes! (Respond in complete sentences!)
1. Comment t’appelles-tu? 2. Ça va? 3. Tu es français(e)? 4. Quel âge as-tu? 5. Quelle heure est-il?
Devoirs (Homework): Get binder and notebook (For by Tuesday 11/9), Read syllabus, share with parents/guardians, get signatures! Study, memorize, practice out loud Question List #1
Mardi (Tue) 11/9: Today in class we organized our cahier (notebook) and classeur (binder), practiced questions, and saw a presentation about 9/11 and the commemoration of that day by the French and other countries around the world.
Handouts (click on link): Nous n’oublierons jamais (9/11), Binder Organization
A Faire (Must do/warm-up): Réponds à phrases complètes! (Respond in complete sentences!)
Questions 6-8 (Question list #1), Question 1 (Question list #3), then list days of the week and months of the year.
Devoirs (Homework): Study, memorize, practice out loud Question List #2. Bring art supplies to decorate cahier (notebook)
Jeudi (Thur) 13/9: Today in class we made a birthday line by only speaking French, we finished setting up our binders, we started a group brainstorm about learning/memorizing strategies, and we decorated our cahier with name, 3 French words and 3 images that represent you. We also got a seating chart.
A Faire (Must do/warm-up): What questions would you need to ask to find your place in the birthday line ? What if you have the same birthday and you need to find out who is older?
Devoirs (Homework): Study, memorize, practice out loud Question List #3. Write out complete sentence answers to #s: 2, 3, 4, 14, 15 in devoirs (homework) section of cahier.