Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mercredi 28/10

Today we practiced the verb être and expressions that go with it.  We also discussed our Halloween plans and played a Halloween card game.

Objectif: Students will be able to use être expressions to say what belongs to others, talk about punctuality, agreements and what people are busy doing.

A Faire :  See picture of board…Part A: use vocab pg 44 to translate sentences to French.  Part B: Write a sentence answering who each item belong to (given in parentheses).  Follow this pattern for your answers:  (thing in question) + être (conjugated) + à + (person it belongs to)

Devoirs :  Quarter 1 check-in, front side only of expression handout, pg 45 #2 & #3 (do question #1 only!), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lundi 26/10

We continued practicing our new questions for family: “Qui est dans ta famille immédiate?” and “Est-ce que ____ est marié(e)/divorcé(e)/célibataire? » and reviewed the conjugations of être and learned some expressions used with it (pg 44).  Finally, we corrected the quizzes we took.

ObjectifStudents will correct quizzes in order to learn from errors made.

TECQuiz corrections

Devoirs :  pg 45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in the first column, 1) say where each person is using the correct conjugation of être and a place from the second column, 2) say what each person is logically, “busy doing” at that place using être, the expression “en train de” and an activity from the third column.  Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!, être quiz coming sometime in the next few classes!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lundi 19/10

We practiced some new questions for family: “Qui est dans ta famille immédiate?” and “Est-ce que ____ est marié(e)/divorcé(e)/célibataire? » and continued using possessive adjectives.  We started talking about how to describe professions/jobs.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe their own families.

A Fairepg 35 #4 (only 4-7), answer in complete sentences and answer all questions asked in each number!

TECLes adjectifs possessifs handout #4 (orally in partners, switch roles !)

Devoirs :  pg 36 #6 (rewrite whole sentence!), pg 37 #7 (rewrite whole sentence!), study vocab pg 36-37, both activities on back of tête à tête handout (use knowledge from pg 36 & soyez logique!), study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!! (add to verb chart if not there already!!)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jeudi 15/10

Today we practiced a lot of family vocabulary and played “Cent” to review numbers.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use possessive adjectives and family vocab to describe the families of others

A Faire: See Madame Reid!!

TEC:  Les adjectifs possessifs handout #7 (write the whole sentence !!)

Devoirs : Les adjectifs possessifs handout #2 & #5 (questions/answers), study & practice être/avoir conjugations and meanings. Study/practice vocab pg 34, be able to describe your family!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mardi 13/10

We continued practicing family vocabulary and questions and learned how to use possessive adjectives to express “our, your/y’alls, their.” 

ObjectifStudents will be able to express what belongs to others.

A Faire: pg 35 #4 (only 1-3), answer in complete sentences and answer all questions asked in each number!

TEC:  Fill in possessive adjective table including the steps to use it!  Sondage:  In French, ask 3 people their birthdate, phone number and ethnicity and record your findings.

Devoirs :  Les adjectifs possessifs handout #3 (do in cahier, use c’est/ce sont and son/sa/ses to write sentences), pg 17 #12 (rewrite the whole sentence!)  Write sentences about the sondage from class today (for each person say what HIS/HER birthdate is.., HIS/HER phone number is…, and HIS/HER ethnicity is…) Study/practice !!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jeudi 08/10

We practiced talking about ethnicity, learned/reviewed some family vocabulary and discussed how to use possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her).  Then we took a quiz

ObjectifStudents will be able to express “his” and “her(s)”

A Faire: pg 17 #11 (write the whole answer sentences using either son/sa/ses as appropriate.)

Devoirs :  study vocab pg 34, pg 35 #5 *3 parts!!:  1) make family tree with reading in brown box, 2) activité A-use family tree to say whether statements are vrai/faux, 3) activité B-use the family tree to explain the relationships between the people given, follow the model sentence: ___ est le/la ____ de ___

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mardi 06/10

Today we did some review for the quiz and learned how to talk about our nationality and ethnicity.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe their nationality and ethnicity.

A Faire: pg 33 #3 (write the answers the students in the activity would give, pay attention to masculine/feminine forms, and practice orally with a partner.

Devoirs :  Unité 1: writing activites/objects (front & back), pg 27 #5 (write at least 8 sentences, use the prompts, include what sports and instruments you play, and some other information if necessary)  Study for the quiz on Thursday!!

Quiz Study Topics: numbers, time, alphabet, question list (1-9, 14-20), jouer à/de, à/de + articles, prepositions, school subjects, ER/IR/RE verbs (meanings & conjugations), days/months/seasons, weather, subject/stress pronouns, forming questions, question words, expressions for talking about things (13), invitations/accepting/refusing (20)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Vendredi 02/10

We did some oral practice with questions, learned the difference between using “jouer à” and “jouer de”, and did a reading comprehension activity over pgs 4-5 (livre).

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between the prepositions à/de when using the verb “jouer”

A Faire: Review 2 handout #1 (write a complete sentence using the correct conjugation of « jouer » and the appropriate combination of à/de with the sport or instrument—look up any vocab necessary in your book in the French=>English/English=>French dictionary)

Handouts :  Review 2 handout

Devoirs :  Finish Review 2 handout (look up any words  in dictionary in book and verb conjugations in the green pages in back of the book)  practice questions/verbs/conjugations/expressions and vocab we’ve been reviewing, quiz next Thur!  Get binder/cahier organized (I will check Tuesday!!)