We continued practicing family vocabulary and
questions and learned how to use possessive adjectives to express “our, your/y’alls,
Objectif: Students will be able to express what belongs to
A Faire: pg 35 #4 (only 1-3), answer
in complete sentences and answer all questions asked in each number!
TEC: Fill in possessive adjective table including the steps to use it! Sondage: In French, ask 3 people their birthdate, phone number and ethnicity and record your findings.
Handouts : Possessive Adjective table, lesadjectifs possessifs
Devoirs : Les adjectifs possessifs handout #3
(do in cahier, use c’est/ce sont and son/sa/ses to write sentences), pg 17 #12
(rewrite the whole sentence!) Write sentences about the
sondage from class today (for each person say what HIS/HER birthdate is..,
HIS/HER phone number is…, and HIS/HER ethnicity is…) Study/practice !!