Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lundi 26/10

We continued practicing our new questions for family: “Qui est dans ta famille immédiate?” and “Est-ce que ____ est marié(e)/divorcé(e)/célibataire? » and reviewed the conjugations of être and learned some expressions used with it (pg 44).  Finally, we corrected the quizzes we took.

ObjectifStudents will correct quizzes in order to learn from errors made.

TECQuiz corrections

Devoirs :  pg 45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in the first column, 1) say where each person is using the correct conjugation of être and a place from the second column, 2) say what each person is logically, “busy doing” at that place using être, the expression “en train de” and an activity from the third column.  Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!, être quiz coming sometime in the next few classes!