Friday, June 3, 2016

Vendredi 03/06

We practiced passé compose then did a another peer-edit of the project writing and had time for revision.

ObjectifStudents will practice passé composé and work on final projects.

A Faire:  pg 120 #7 write 2 sentences for each subject saying where they went and what they (logically) did at that place.

TEC:  Peer-edit, revision of project.

Devoirs :  Final project (check criteria and format!!), you will also turn in your 2 peer-edits (DO NOT attach these to the final project!), any missing work (due Monday!)  Bring a snack to share during our movie??

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Mercredi 01/06

We over STAMP test results and learned to use the passé composé with irregular past participles and with être as a helping verb. We had time to work on projects, including a peer-edit, while I completed oral interviews.

ObjectifStudents will learn irregular forms of past tense and work on final projects.

A Faire:  pg 117 #3 (1-3 only, 3 sentences each) & pg 119 #6 (rewrite whole sentence using correct subject and form of être as helping verb)

TEC:  Peer-edit, passé composé writing of project.

PhotocopiesPeer-edit : MonEnfance à l’imparfait (due with final draft)

Devoirs :  Rough draft of passé compose writing of project (Ready for peer-edit: DOUBLE SPACED, NEATLY WRITTEN/TYPED).  A Faire if not finished, any missing work (due by Monday!!)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Vendredi 27/05

We worked on final projects and continued oral interviews.

ObjectifStudents will work on final projects and do oral interviews

Devoirs :  Rough draft of project for 2 ages of the imparfait only (we’ll do passé composé in class next week!) Must be double spaced and preferably typed (very neatly written acceptable as well),  Must have in hand when you arrive, print before you come to class!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mercredi 25/05

We did the STAMP test today and went over “passé composé.”

ObjectifStudents will do STAMP testing and learn to form the passé compose.

Devoirs :  pg 105 #1 (say what each person bought using passé compose, look up any unknown vocab in the back), read over final project description and bring any questions to class next time.


1.    Click on this link to access the test:

      STAMP Test

      2.    Enter the following info and then log in:

Test code:  


Login name:  class period + first initial + last name (all one word!)



*Let me know when your computer says you’ve completed the test.  I will help you log off.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lundi 23/05

We did some speaking practice, some “imparfait” practice, dialogue presentations and started learning the other form of the past tense.

ObjectifStudents will review the imparfait and begin learning the passé composé

A Faire:  pg 320 #6 (1-5 only) (“beaucoup de gens” is plural, “tout le monde” is singular)

Devoirs :  Finish pg 320 #6 (1-10), take notes over pages 104-105/read examples/try to understand formation of passé composé.  Study conjugations of avoir!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jeudi 19/05

We did some speaking activities then completed a reading comprehension activity in small groups while I conducted oral interviews.  We also began dialogue presentations.

ObjectifStudents will do oral assessments and a reading comprehension activity.

A Faire: Reading comprehension activity “MC Solaar”: Read out loud, check comprehension after each paragraph by discussing meaning and writing 1-2 sentence summary in cahier.  Once read, turn over and complete the comprehension questions in English.  Turn in!

TEC:  dialogue practice

Photocopies: Reading comprehension activity “MC Solaar”

Devoirs :  pg 318 #3 (was/wasn’t doing during blizzard), finish reading comprehension (turn in!), prepare dialogues/oral interviews!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mardi 17/05

We reviewed the verb “partir”, learned how to use “être” in the “imparfait,” finished station work, practiced dialogues and started oral interviews.

ObjectifStudents will practice forming imparfait and prepare oral assessments.

A Faire: pg 318 #4 (#2=lisons, #4=écrivons) Say where each person was (using être) and what they were doing (using verb given in parentheses)

TEC:  Station work, dialogue practice

Devoirs pg 319 #5 (write complete sentences using choices given or your own! Be ready to share outloud at the beginning of class!!), Prepare dialogues/bring props for presentations during the 2nd half of class jeudi!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Vendredi 13/05

We did some review for the oral assessments, learned one form of the past tense (l’imparfait) and continued our station work.

ObjectifStudents will review and prepare for oral assessments and learn the simple past.

A Faire: pg 317 #2 (for 1, 3, & 4 just focus on the verb change)

TEC:  Station work

Devoirs pg 317 #1 (use "habiter" in your sentences), practice dialogue, prepare oral assessment (*see post from Wed for criteria!), finish any incomplete station work from stations you rotated through (not ones you have not yet been to !)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mercredi 11/05

We listened to our song, learned some new verbs (sortir, partir, dormir, pg 126) and went over the stem changes in the verbs pg 167.  For the bulk of the class we rotated through various activities that helped students prepare for the oral assessment they will have over the food unit.

ObjectifStudents will review and prepare for oral assessments.

*A Faire: pg 126 #1 (1,3,4, 6,8 only) *This is a station activity, only work on this if you went to this station today in class !

*TEC:  Photocopie : La Nourriture et l’Article Partitif  *This is a station activity, only work on this if you went to this station today in class !

Photocopies:  Photocopie : Devoirs du Partitif/La Nourriture et l’Article Partitif

Devoirs :  Photocopie : Devoirs du Partitif #1 (say what the vegetarian eats SOME of and doesn’t eat ANY of), Finish any classwork from the stations you went to, study and prepare for oral assessments (starting 2nd half of next class and continue next week!)

Oral Assessment of Food Unit:  1)You will set the table while telling me all the things you NEED to do so (I need a spoon, I need a tablecloth, etc…)  2)  You will answer some questions about your preferences (food/meals/cuisines/etc) and food vocabulary (categories of food, i.e. fruits, vegetables, meats, appetizers, things purchased at a boulangerie, etc.)  3) You will participate in a mini-dialogue either at a café with a waiter or at a farmer’s market with the merchant.  

Monday, May 9, 2016

Lundi 09/05

We listened to our song and did some review.  We took a quiz and had did peer-edits on our dialogue scripts.

ObjectifStudents will edit and revise dialogues

A Faire:  leçon 9 #4 (list 8 for each, use articles-a/an-for utensils, use partitive articles for “les courses”)

TEC:  Rédaction en commun (Peer-edit)

Devoirs :  final dialogue script—typed (1 copy for me and 1 for each member of group—each group member is responsible for getting this in on time!!  Be ready to practice when you arrive!), study/take notes pg 167, do #2 (rewrite sentences with new subject/conjugation)


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Jeudi 05/05

We practiced the partitive articles and went over homework.  We reviewed the verb “devoir”, did a short reading, and had time to work on finalizing dialogue scripts.

ObjectifStudents will review structures and prepare a summative dialogue script.

A Faire:  pg 157 #3

TEC:  lecture pg 162-163, Dialogue work time !

Devoirs lecon 10 #1 & #8 A (lettre d’excuse), dialogue script (complete, typed, double spaced, PRINTED before class and ready for peer-edit), study for verb quiz lundi, review vocab pgs 142-150 (in-class assessments start lundi too !)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mardi 03/05

Today, we practiced some expressions (Je veux bien, pas de ____), went over homework, and had significant time to work on dialogues (summative assessment).

ObjectifStudents will practice using partitive articles in negative constructions

A Faire:  pg 160 #7

TEC:  Dialogue work time !

Photocopies:  Dialogue criteria

Devoirs :  leçon 9 #3 (use partitive articles in your list, review specialty shops), leçon 10 #5 ( use the images to say what you ate some of  and what you had some of to drink), study verbs for verb quiz!!

Vendredi 29/04

We had a substitute today.

ObjectifStudents will practice partitive articles.

A Faire:  Paquet lecon 10 #6

Devoirs :  Paquet lecon 10 #7 (use verb given, continues on back side !!), Paquet lecon 9 #1 (one that doesn’t belong), & #2 (use articles !)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mercredi 27/04

We learned how to express parts of a whole and multiples of something (some), we also learned the verb “boire.”

ObjectifStudents will learn the partitive articles.

A Faire:  pg 159 #5 (prepare questions and your responses using partitive articles as appropriate)

TEC:  pg 166 #1 (writing), pg 147 #3 (oral), pg 159 #4 (oral)

Devoirs :  Paquet lecon 10 #3 & #4

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Lundi 25/04

We reviewed food vocabulary and irregular verbs.  We also went over our tests and how to retake. We also started a formative assessment for our food knowledge.

ObjectifStudents will review vocabulary and irregular verbs.

A Faire:  Paquet lecon 10 #2

TEC:  Paquet lecon 9 #6B…write a letter on a separate sheet of paper addressing all of the questions from this activity.  Pay close attention to your use of vocabulary and try to elaborate on your answers.  Must be neatly written in complete sentences and ready to turn in at the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Devoirs :  Finish TEC (paquet lecon 9 #6B, see directions above!!), also do paquet lecon 9 #6A

Friday, April 22, 2016

Jeudi 21/04

We had a French guest speaker today who talked and answered questions about French culture/life.

ObjectifStudents will learn about French culture from a guest speaker.

Devoirs pg 151 #9 (going to buy, all necessary components), pg 157 #2 (what they can’t do!)  Study verbs (new/old), vocab/structures for food!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mardi 19/04

We learned new fruits/veggies and practiced vocabulary for shopping at a farmer’s market.  We did some speaking practice and learned the verb “vouloir.”

ObjectifStudents will practice fruit/veggie/vocab for shopping in farmer’s market

A Faire:  pg 151 #10 (write entire dialogue, practice in partners)

TEC:  Sondage (class survey) using pg 151#11

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 156, add verbs to verb chart.  Pg 157 #1 (use “vouloir” to express what activities the people want to do.)  Study all new/old irregular verbs (verb quiz coming!!)  Study all food vocabulary/structures (assessments starting next week!)

Friday, April 15, 2016

Vendredi 15/04

We reviewed vocabulary with some writing/speaking activities and a game of Loto.  Then we took a quiz.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge of food vocab.

A Faire:  pg 149 #8 (6 subjects, 2 sentences each)

TEC:  Loto

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 150, do pg 151 #11 (Question & Reponses), continue to study vocab pgs 142-150

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mercredi 13/04

We continued discussing preferences and began discussing how to order and behave appropriately in a restaurant/café setting (getting the servers attention, tipping, etc).  We also heard a presentation from a visiting French student and got to ask questions.  Finally, we prepared our boards for a review game of Loto.

ObjectifStudents will talk about food preferences and learn to order food.

A Faire:  Using this image (Cliquez ici) to write what is missing from the place settings.  Use the structure: Il/Elle n’a pas DE…

TEC:  Prepare Loto board with any of the bolded vocabulary from pg. 148

Devoirs : pg 147 #4 (write entire dialogues filling in missing lines.), study vocab pgs 142-148 (quiz de vocab vendredi!!)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lundi 11/04

We practiced lots of food and table vocabulary.  We had a chance to talk about and share our own food preferences.

ObjectifStudents will learn to talk about food preferences.

A Faire:  pg 149 #7 (Questions using « est-ce que » or inversion & your responses to the questions)  *we did this as a survey in class.

TEC:  Mettre la table…draw and label a place setting with all 9 of the items we practiced in class (vocab pg 144, including un bol (bowl) and une nappe (tablecloth)) Must be neat, show effort and use color. *See example in photocopies…

Devoirs :  pg 149 #5 (und phrase par image),Repondez a la question : « Quelles sont tes cuisines préférées ? », study vocab pgs 142-148 (quiz de vocab vendredi!!), finish « Mettre la table » for turn in on Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mercredi 06/04

There was an opportunity to ask questions/get clarifications and then we took our test.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate knowledge on a test.

Devoirs :  Take detailed notes over pgs 146 & 148, then write sentences telling 3 things (for each) that you like, don’t like that much, love and hate.  Pg 145 #1 (write complete sentence.)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Lundi 04/04

We did some review for the test and some reading comprehension around shopping for food in France.

ObjectifStudents will learn about shopping for food in France.

A Faire:  Reading comprehension questions from pgs 142-143 (see handouts)

Devoirs :  take notes vocab pg 144 (you should know this vocab when you arrive in class!!), do pg 145 #2 ( use avoir besoin de and new vocabulary), study for test!!

Study for examen :  adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, etre/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, devenir/revenir/mettre/prendre (related verbs), weekend/metro vocab/expressions, mardi gras, poisson d’avril, 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Jeudi 31/03

We practiced our irregular verbs, went over some reading comprehension, did some oral practice in partners and then learned about Poisson d’Avril (French April Fool’s Day.)

ObjectifStudents practice using new irregular verbs and learn about Poisson d’Avril.

TEC:  Make “poisson d’avril”!

Devoirs :  pg 116 #2 (answer all questions and write in complete sentences), read/take notes (over content and useful/important vocab) pg 142-143 (comprehension activity on Monday!!), Study for test next Wednesday and bring any questions to class on Monday!

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, être/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, prendre/mettre/venir families of verbs, weekend/metro vocab/expressions, Mardi Gras, Poisson d'Avril

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mardi 29/03

We talked about vacations, reviewed our new irregular verbs, did a survey of classmates, and had time to review for our test next week (by playing Pictionary with vocab!)

ObjectifStudents will practice using the new irregular verbs.

A Faire:   Write your answer to the following questions.  Then ask 3 other people the questions and take notes over their answers.  Finally, put your findings (others answers to questions) into sentence form. 

      1.      Est-ce que tu apprends à jouer d’un instrument/à un sport?       
      2.      Quelles langues comprends-tu ? 
      3.      En général, à quelle heure est-ce que tu mets la télé ?

Devoirs :  take notes pg 116 (verb/expression), do #1 on the same page.

All missing work must be turned in by Monday 4/4/16 (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)

All quizzes must be made up this week!!

Exam next Wednesday 4/6/16.  Topics to study/review:

adjectives, c’est/il est, professions, être/avoir/faire/aller verbs/expressions, aller + infinitive depuis, imperative, inversion questions, venir de + place/infinitive, prendre/mettre/venir families of verbs, weekend/metro vocab/expressions, Mardi Gras…

Friday, March 18, 2016

Vendredi 18/03

We had our fête de crêpe!

ObjectifStudents will celebrate with crepes.

Devoirspg 111 #14 (complete sentences and respond to all questions!)  Study for summative exam after break (particularly vocabulary…faire/avoir/être expressions, verbs, weekend activities, etc...)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mercredi 16/03

We did a little review and then took a quiz.  We also finished dialogue presentations.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate understanding of vocabulary on a quiz.

Devoirs :  Take notes pg 110, do #13 (choose verb that fits, conjugate!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Lundi 14/03

We reviewed vocabulary, had time to prepare dialogue presentations and then presented the group dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will present summative dialogues

A Faire:   pg 101 #4 (1-4 only, complete sentences and answer all questions !)

TEC:  Take notes over vocabulary/phrases taught by each dialogue group !

Devoirs :  Finish 101 #4 (5-7, complete sentences and answer all questions !), study vocab pg 96-100 (quiz Wed!)  FETE DE CREPE VENDREDI!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jeudi 10/03

We learned some vocabulary related to Paris/city activities and the metro and practiced dialogues.  We also played “Aller à la pêche” (Go Fish) in French.

ObjectifStudents will learn vocabulary for weekend activities in the city (Paris) and the metro.

A Faire:   1) Take notes pg 98 yellow box, 2) read “note culturelle” pg 98 out loud in partners, write English summary (for understanding) 3) Do pg 99 #3  4) practice dialogues.

TEC:  Aller à la pêche

Devoirs :  paquet #3, reading comp on back of venir/revenir/devenir handout, study vocab pg 96-100 (quiz before break!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mardi 08/03

We listened to our new song, practiced vocabulary, went over homework, finished our speaking activity and had time to prepare dialogue presentations for MONDAY!

ObjectifStudents will review weekend activity vocabulary and recent structures.

A Faire:   Paquet #7C--(write in cahier, going to do…use new vocab, write to any friend, complete sentences!)

TEC:  Tête à Tête (partner speaking activity)

Devoirs :  Paquet #1 (doesn’t belong), #7A (use vocab pg 96/100) & #7B (*CAN do! Phrases complètes!)  Study/memorize vocab pgs 96/100 (Quiz before Spring Break!), Practice dialogues (presentations MONDAY for EVERYONE!  You MUST be an attendance Mon or talk to me ahead of time!)

Friday, March 4, 2016

Vendredi 04/03

We listened to our new song, did lots of oral practice with new weekend vocabulary and some recent verb expressions.  We had some good time to practice dialogues and went over the new vocabulary (pg 100).

ObjectifStudents will practice vocabulary for weekend activities

A Faire:   Paquet (les activités du weekend) #6, write complete sentences using new weekend vocabulary to describe the activities pictured.  Pay attention to vocab and verb conjugations!

TEC:  Tête à Tête (partner speaking activity)

Devoirs :  Paquet (les activités du weekend) #2 (read for context then using vocab, write what each person is going to do), #4 (use articles!) & #5 (Choose the word that makes the most sense in each sentence), study all new vocab and all verb conjugations !!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Mercredi 02/03

We learned some new vocabulary (pg 96) and did some practice with it.  We also went over the homework and had time to practice dialogues.

ObjectifStudents will learn vocabulary for weekend activities

A Faire:   pg 97 #2 (For each image, write responses to the questions : Où vas-tu ce weekend ? Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire là-bas ?)  Practice out loud !

TEC:  Practice dialogue

Devoirs :  study/take notes verbs/vocab pg 96 and 100 (make sure you are familiar enough with vocab on both pages that you can use them when you arrive in class!!), do 101 #5.  PRACTICE DIALOGUE!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lundi 29/02

We learned 2 new faire expressions (faire du bénévolat/faire la graisse matinée) and 2 new verbs (revenir/devenir), did a survey of classmates using “depuis”, and did a peer-edit of dialogue scripts.

ObjectifStudents will learn verbs related to venir

A Faire:   Famille Venir #A (handout)

TEC:  Dialogue peer-edit.

Devoirs :  Famille Venir handout B w/ times written in words and using 24hr clock/12hr clock with expressions for time of day.  Final dialogue script (typed, 1 copy for me and for each member of the group, ready to practice!)

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jeudi 25/02

We had a warm-up discussion using the following questions: Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ? Qu’est-ce que tu viens de faire ?  Depuis quand fais-tu _____ (un passe-temps/a hobby) ?  Then we got some dialogue practice before working on our dialogue projects.

ObjectifStudents will practice depuis and other recently studied structures.

A Faire:  pg 71 #1 (write out/practice in partners)

TEC:  Summative dialogue (30 min)

Devoirs :  back of handout given last class (reading comp), last activity in packet (depuis—make up duration/starting point, use verb illustrated, #3: waiting at bus stop #4: speaking), IMPORTANT: have a double spaced draft of dialogue ready for peer edit when you arrive on Monday (neatly written or typed!) 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mardi 23/02

We learned how to use the expression “depuis” to express how long people have done something.  We also started working on a summative dialogue in small groups while I finished oral interviews/presentations.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use depuis.

A Faire:   pg 70 #8 (complete the sentences using depuis + starting point/duration of time.)

TEC:  Summative dialogue

Devoirs :  Front of handout (Exercice : faire/être/venir/avoir), pg 70 #9 (put the sentences together by correctly conjugating the verb and connecting the starting point/duration of time with « depuis »)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Vendredi 19/02

We had time to practice then we worked on some in-class mini-projects while presentations and interviews happened.

ObjectifStudents will demonstrate understanding of/ability to communicate using structures studied up to this point.

TEC:  Acrostic (see criteria from Wednesday)

Devoirs :  Finish acrostic to turn in Tuesday at the beginning of class, pg 71 #2 (write questions), last page of “Aller/Venir packet (in nous form, different activities for each day/time!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mercredi 17/02

We reviewed expressions with “venir de” and “aller + infinitif), practiced projects, then worked on an in-class mini-project while I started oral interviews

ObjectifStudents will review the verbs venir and aller

A Faire:   Paquet : Venir/Aller #5—say 2 things you are going to do and 1 thing you’re not in each situation.  (aller +infinitif!)

TEC:  Acrostic (due by the end of class on Friday!!)

Devoirs :  pg 69 #6  (for each subject in column A, write a sentence saying what they were just doing in column B and are going to do in column C, use variety, soyez logique!!), Practice creature project (presentations and interviews vendredi)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Vendredi 12/02

We practiced venir and aller, practiced projects in preparation for presentations/interviews starting Wednesday, and finished up with making some Mardi Gras masks.

ObjectifStudents will practice using the verbs venir and aller.

A Faire: Paquet pg 30 (back of 1st pg) #3—use “venir de + infinitive” and be logical! 

TEC:  Make Mardi Gras masks

Devoirs :  Front page of packet #1 (aller, aller + infinitive) & #2 (venir in aff/neg. forms), practice projects for presentations/interviews on Wednesday !!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mercredi 10/02

We continued working on the verb “venir” as well as how to use “venir de + place” vs. “venir de + infinitive”.  We went over some homework and finished our PowerPoint about Mardi Gras/Carnaval.

Objectif:  Students will be able to use the expression “venir de” in multiple contexts.

A Faire: Write a sentence for each slide using the “Venir de” expression given and the vocabulary represented by the image. 

TEC:  Take notes over Mardi Gras/Carnaval PowerPoint

Devoirs :  back of imperative handout #15—write both friend’s statements—the suggestion, saying not that suggestion, making a new suggestion (given in parentheses), nous form, neg/aff.,
Bring Creature project every day!!!  Practice!!!  Study verb venir.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lundi 08/02

Today we reviewed personality and physical descriptions, learned the conjugations of the verb “venir” as well as how to use “venir de + place” vs. “venir de + infinitive”.  We also started learning about the origins of Mardi Gras.

ObjectifStudents will learn about the origins of Mardi Gras.

A Faire: pg 69 #7  for each person, say what they were just doing using “venir de + infinitive” 

TEC:  Take notes over PowerPoint (will be posted Wed. when we finish in class)

Devoirs :  pg 68 #5 (write out the entire sentences including the correct conjugation of “venir”), Mardi Gras word scramble, practice/prepare for creature project oral presentation/interview (starting the 2nd half of class on Friday!)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jeudi 04/02

We reviewed forming inversion questions, discussed the oral presentation and interview of “Ma Créature” including the questions and rubric and had some time to work on preparing for it.

ObjectifStudents will review forming inversion questions in the 3rd person (il/elle).

A Faire: Write the inversion questions you could ask to find out about someone’s best friend…
Does he/she….  Is he/she…
     1.      Eat chocolate? 
     2.      Speak French? 
     3.      Play soccer?
     4.      Go to Grant? 
     5.      Party? 
     6.      Pass tests?
     7.      Wait for you? 
     8.      Always right? 
     9.      Generally on time? 

TEC:  Preparation for oral presentation/interview of “Ma Créature” project

Devoirs :  Back of “Bons Conseils” imperative handout (write the inversion questions that go with the answers given.  Pay close attention to the details of the answers!), Prepare project for oral presentation/interview—come ready to practice!!  BRING PROJECT MATERIALS EVERYDAY!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mardi 02/02

Today we continued to work on the imperative.  We also took a quiz and learned how to prepare for the “Ma Créature” oral interviews/presentations.

ObjectifStudents will be able to give commands/advice using regular and irregular verbs.

A Faire: Imperative Handout #2 (vous form, 1 do and 1 don’t) 

TEC:  Creature project revision using correction codes.

Devoirs :  Read through questions and rubric for “Creature” interviews and bring questions/concerns to next class, Imperative handout #3 (Tu form, 1 affirmative/1 negative for each, for #7 look in back of book in green pages for forms!)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Vendredi 29/01

We discussed our plans for the weekend, reviewed the imperative and learned how to use être/avoir to give commands/suggestions/advice.  We corrected some homework and played “Loto” to review some vocabulary for the quiz next week.

ObjectifStudents will be able to give commands using regular and irregular verbs.

A Faire: pg 25 #14 (write the question using “on” and the answer using the “nous” form of the imperative) 

TEC:  See PowerPoint!

Devoirs :  front of “l’impératif” handout (1 aff/1 neg, big 4 verbs!), study for quiz (être/avoir/faire/aller expressions (for vocab) and conjugations), bring movie handout next week

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mercredi 27/01

Today we discussed our weekends, learned to use the imperative, and filled out our “Loto” boards for a review game on Friday.

ObjectifStudents will learn to use the imperative

A Faire: pg 24 #13 (read the context and then tell your friend to do the thing in parentheses for you, be polite !)

Devoirs :  pg 25 #14 (read the context so you know who you are talking to, give them advice using each bullet point, keep in mind some may be negative !), study être/avoir/faire/aller expressions (for vocab) and conjugations  (Quiz coming VERY soon!!)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Vendredi 22/01

We learned the vocabulary and recipe for crepes as well as how to make them (see PowerPoint).  You are responsible for knowing this information and will be tested on it!

Objectif: Students will learn to make and will eat crêpes!

*teaspoon = une cuillère à café, cup = une tasse

A FaireTake detailed notes over PowerPoint

Devoirs :  Mot croisé des crêpes/review worksheet, study conjugaisons of être/faire/aller/avoir and expressions with être/faire/aller/avoir (vocab) for a quiz next week !  8th:  Finish taking notes over PowerPoint

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mardi 19/01

Today, we practiced saying what we did this weekend, reviewed vocabulary and using “c’est/il est”.  Then we finished the film.

Objectif: Students will review recent vocabulary and structures.

Handouts :  Mot croisé-faire expressions/adjectives, Devoirs-c’est/il est  **Google won't let me upload these documents, so see me for hard copies!!

A FaireMot croisé—both sides! (vocab in book !)

Devoirs :  C’est/il est handout (both activities !), Fête de crêpe supplies

Fête de crêpe : Vendredi !!!

Retakes during Flex Wed or Thur (must arrive by 2pm!)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jeudi 13/01

We reviewed when to use c’est/il est and professions, then watched our film.

Objectif: Students will review how to give the professions of others

A FaireFront side of profession handout (read directions carefully and pay attention to gender/number!)

Devoirs :  Back side of profession handout

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mardi 12/01

We talked about our weekends, did some reading practice, went over the final exam and retake process and then watched some of our film.

Objectif: Students will read and listen for comprehension.

A FaireRead pgs 62-63 out loud in partners, taking turns.  Then, next to the letter of the description, write a sentence saying which object it is (C’est…) in your cahier.

Devoirs :  Final visual for project (review criteria!!)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Vendredi 08/01

We discussed our weekend plans using aller + infinitif and the rubric for the “Ma creature” project.  We also completed a peer edit for the project writing.

Objectif: Students will edit and revise written work

A Fairepg 67 #2—write your answers to the questions.   If you say “non,” you must also say what you are going to do in that scenario instead (in addition to the negative answer). 

Devoirs :  Final draft of project (TYPED/1.5 SPACED), start working on visual (due Thur), start working on “retake” activities (must complete 5 practice activities that you find from blog/book, that will help you practice, in order to retake)