Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jeudi 17/12

We learned how to use aller + infinitive and the expression “aller chercher”.  We learned about our final semester project and began watching a film.

Objectif: Students will learn to express what people are “going to do.”

A Faire:  pg 67 #4 (use the expression “aller chercher” to say what the different people are going to go get based on the context given.)

Devoirs :  pg 67 #3 (Say what good decisions the people are making in the new year by saying what they are going to do.)  Start thinking/writing for your project!



Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mardi 15/12

We did some review and had some time to ask questions then we took our test.

Objectif: Students will demonstrate knowledge on an exam

Devoirs :  Mot croisé-Avoir/Adjectives (both sides), review worksheet (7th)



Tutorial is Wednesday for ALL teachers so plan accordingly!  

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Vendredi 11/12

We had a substitute today.  Students reviewed the conjugations of the verb aller and discussed using “aller à” to talk about going places.  Students also reviewed contractions of à + aritcles then did an in-class reading comprehension activity about the attacks in Paris.

Objectif: Students will read for comprehension

A Faire:  Write 6 original sentences for 6 different subjects using a different conjugation of “aller à” in each with different places and the appropriate contractions (à + le/les).

TECLes Attentats à Paris.  Read out loud in partners/small groups taking notes over content (in English) and difficult vocabulary.  Complete comprehension activities (to turn in Tuesday!)

Devoirs :  Finish reading activity (to turn in Tue!), review worksheet (Accidentally, 7th wasn’t given this by the sub but it is important review, so please try to do it!), study for test on Tuesday!  *Bring specific grammar/vocab/comprehension questions to class Tue and I’ll answer them before the test. Or see me before school Mon/Tue!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Mercredi 09/12

Today we did review of verb expressions and forming questions, students also had an opportunity to ask for clarification of any other topic they are struggling with.  We did an oral survey of classmates and did a culture activity reading student created brochures about regions of France.

Objectif: Students will learn about regions of France.

A Faire :  Write questions in French using expression vocabulary.  Vary the formation of your questions by using “est-ce que” for some and inversion for others.  Pay close attention to the subject and conjugate your verb appropriately.  Also watch for the key words so you know what vocabulary to use!
      1.      Are y’all hungry?
      2.      Are you thirsty?
      3.      Is she always on time?
      4.      Do you hate doing the dishes?
      5.      Does he cook?
      6.      Do they feel like eating a sandwich?
      7.      Do you like to go for a walk?
      8.      Do y’all need to do the grocery shopping?

Devoirs :  Brochure activity (Must be legible/typed, read directions carefully!), back of adj packet #6—write in cahier, name 3 subjects you study and 2 things you do to help your parents!!    Study for test!  Bring questions to class or tutorial!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Lundi 07/12

We did some oral practice, read some devinettes and discussed in detail the exam next week.  We also did some review in preparation.

Objectif: Students will be able to use être/avoir/faire expressions to ask/answer questions about life/activities.

A Faire :   PowerPoint: Que fait-il ?  For each slide write one or two answers (depending on questions asked) saying the professions of the people.  Try to vary your usage of “c’est/il est” in your reponses in order to get practice with both!

Handouts :  PowerPoint : Que fait-il ?, TEC : Sondage, Exam topics of study (keep in mind much of the list is just review from last year!)

TECWrite answers to the questions you prepared as homework for the sondage.  You should be using être/avoir/faire expressions in question and response.  We went over some of the questions so check yourself with the link in handouts (for a blank copy, see last Thursday!)

Devoirs :  Finish sondage questions and answers (we will be using these at the beginning of class when we do the survey!) pg 61 #9 (write inversion questions about the people given, remember that ER verbs in the il/elle form need a “-t-“ in between the verb and the subject to avoid the vowel clash.)  Study for test!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Jeudi 03/12

Today we did some review for the summative test (question list/went over old homework) and practiced using “faire de” to ask and answer about activities we do.

Objectif: Students will be able to use “faire de” to talk about activities/sports/classes.

A Faire :  pg 59 #6 – alternate between writing “est-ce que” and inversion questions for each one and prepare your answer as well.  Don’t forget that negative answers will have “de” instead of “du/de la/de l’/des!!

Handouts :  Sondage

Devoirs :  pg 59 #7 (answer all questions and in complete sentences), write inversion questions for the sondage (make sure you include all the vocabulary in each question!)  Study verbs and for summative test (12/15!)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mardi 01/12

Today we discussed the foods we like and don’t like eating for Thanksgiving.  We also practiced the verb “faire” and some of the expressions that go with it.

Objectif: Students will be able to use “faire de” to talk about a variety of activities.

A Faire See handout for images.  Write a sentence using “faire”, subject pronoun given, and an expression or any other necessary vocabulary to make it complete.

TECTake notes over the vocabulary in the Thanksgiving PowerPoint and participate in class discussion.

Devoirs :  Back of expression handout (old) #3, pg 59 #5 (2 sentences for each: 1 about what they study using “faire”, 1 about what they logically want to do as a profession based on studies), study verbs! Study for the summative exam before Winter Break!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Mercredi 25/11

Today, we discussed how we will celebrate Thanksgiving, reviewed “c’est” & “il/elle est”, wrote riddles in class and did some oral practice around phone conversations.

Objectif: Students will be able to use c’est/il est to describe people

A Faire :  Front side of etre/avoir handout.  Match the sentences to the pictures they describe.

TEC:  Write a riddle (une devinette) describing a recognizable person, the class will guess (deviner).  Follow this criteria:
Work individually (6 phrases minimums) or in partners (9 phrases minimums), organize your sentences from most vague to specific (so as not to give it away at the beginning), make sure your writing is legible.  Use: c’est/il est (in correct forms), adjectives, descriptions of physique and personality, include his/her job and/or describe what they do in life.

Devoirs :  pg 51 #10 (sentence using c’est/il est in correct form for EACH bullet point!), back of Etre/Avoir practice handout, summative test before winter break, start studying!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Lundi 23/11

We reviewed adjectives, covered questions 21 & 22 from the question list (thus finishing the list), and learned how to distinguish between using “c’est/ce sont” and “il est/elle est/ils sont/elles sont” when describing people or things.

Objectif: Students will learn when to use “c’est” & “il/elle est”

A Faire :  Adjective packet #3 (Juliette a de la chance!)

TECSee PowerPoint

Devoirs :  livre pg 39 #9, Adjective packet #5 (Descriptions), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jeudi 19/11

Today we did lots of oral practice of physical/personality descriptions as well as describing family relationships.  We did a listening activity, learned and practiced a few more expressions with “avoir” and started a game of “Loto.”

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to give physical and personality descriptions.

A Faire :  Write 6 sentences using each of the given avoir expressions and 6 different subjects/conjugations of avoir.  Expressions:  besoin de, envie de, du mal à, mal à, l’habitude de, l’air

Devoirs :  Adjective packet #4 “Oui/Non”  (read the sentence and use the adjective given in parentheses to write an accurate sentence about the person.  Pay attention to agreements!!), Adjective packet #4 “Questions” (write inversion questions for the prompts given, look up any vocab in the dictionary in the back of your book!)  Study verbs!! (Avoir quiz part deux coming soon…)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mardi 17/11

We reviewed some questions from the list and professions, did a partner speaking activity, practiced some avoir expressions, discussed the events in Paris and watched some videos.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use avoir expressions to express desires and needs.

Handouts :  Avoir Expressions, *See my Facebook page (Grant High School French) for the videos.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes aux questions suivantes:
1.      Quel est le travail de Obama?   
2.      Quelle est la profession de Johnny Depp ?
3.      Que fait Tyra Banks ? 
4.      Quel est le travail de Meredith Grey de Grey’s Anatomy ? 
5.      Quelle et la profession de Angelina Jolie ? 
6.      Que fait ton père/ta mère ? (Choisissez une !)

TECpg 57 #3 (write 2 sentences for each, 1 saying what activity each person “feels like/wants” to do, and the other saying what each “needs” from the blue box to do the activity)

Devoirs :  Back side of “Avoir Expression” handout (complete sentences using subject given and visual prompt for expressions), write a description of yourself include 5 physical attributes and 5 personality attributes (complete sentences!) Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Vendredi 13/11

We practiced giving physical descriptions of self and others.  We also learned how to use some expressions with “avoir.”

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to give physical descriptions.

A Faire :  Write sentences describing 2 physical and 1 personality attribute for each picture in the PowerPoint.

Devoirs :  Back of expression handout (see 10/28) #1 & #2 only, Write 15 sentences about the Duck family describing family relationships (follow the pattern:  _nom(s)_ est(sont) le/la/l’(les) _relationship_ de _nom_.  See examples on the handout)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mardi 10/11

We got new seats and used the question list/identity questions (pg 32) to get to know them.  We also did a listening activity, learned some new adjective vocabulary and reviewed the verb “avoir.”

ObjectifStudents will be able to use adjectives to give personality descriptions 

A Faire: Pg 49 #8 (questions & answers, must agree with « personnes » (fpl) !)

Devoirs :  Study/take notes pg 56, pg 57 #2 (use expressions pg 56 to write thoughts in “je” form), pg 57 #1(use a conjugation of avoir to link the subject to the rest of the sentence given.) study all irregular verbs: etre/avoir/faire/aller and regulars too!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vendredi 06/11

We practiced using regular and irregular adjectives, doing introductions (formal/informal), and having phone conversations.

Objectif: Students will be able to use adjectives to describe the personality of others.

A Faire :  pg 49 #9—(read then write a sentence using an irregular adjective to describe the person, make appropriate agreements!)

Devoirs :  pg 49 #7 (rewrite the whole sentence with each new noun (2-3) in parentheses and make the appropriate adjective agreement), study the verb "avoir" (quiz next week!), review family and profession vocabulary.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mercredi 04/11

Today we went over the “questions personnelles” pg 45, did some partner practice of the question list (particularly questions 10-13) and learned about the placement of adjectives and making agreements (for gender/number) for regular ones.

Objectif: Students will be able to describe the professions of others.

A Faire pg 47 #4—rewrite and complete the last sentence in each number with an adjective that makes sense and an appropriate agreement.

Devoirs :  pg 47 #5 (write a sentence saying 2 adjectives the ideal of each person is and 1 adjective they aren’t), Study/take notes pgs 46-48 (define adjectives you don’t already know, take notes over irregular endings, keep track of other usage info), Study/take notes pg 39 (over bolded vocab and any other new material in both presentations& telephone)  Practice these out loud so you are ready to practice them in class!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lundi 02/11

:We continued practicing expressions with être and picked up our conversation about professions again.  We started working through questions 10-13 on the question list.  We also watched the music video for our song “Hey Oh.”

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe the professions of others.

A Faire: pg 45 #3—2 & 3.  Write complete sentence answers to all questions asked in each number.  Share in partners and be ready to share in class as a warm up on Wed.

Devoirs :  Unité 1 leçon 1 worksheet (front & back), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!  You will have another être quiz Wed or Fri.  I will keep that score as your final.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mercredi 28/10

Today we practiced the verb être and expressions that go with it.  We also discussed our Halloween plans and played a Halloween card game.

Objectif: Students will be able to use être expressions to say what belongs to others, talk about punctuality, agreements and what people are busy doing.

A Faire :  See picture of board…Part A: use vocab pg 44 to translate sentences to French.  Part B: Write a sentence answering who each item belong to (given in parentheses).  Follow this pattern for your answers:  (thing in question) + être (conjugated) + à + (person it belongs to)

Devoirs :  Quarter 1 check-in, front side only of expression handout, pg 45 #2 & #3 (do question #1 only!), Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lundi 26/10

We continued practicing our new questions for family: “Qui est dans ta famille immédiate?” and “Est-ce que ____ est marié(e)/divorcé(e)/célibataire? » and reviewed the conjugations of être and learned some expressions used with it (pg 44).  Finally, we corrected the quizzes we took.

ObjectifStudents will correct quizzes in order to learn from errors made.

TECQuiz corrections

Devoirs :  pg 45 #1 (write 2 sentences for each person in the first column, 1) say where each person is using the correct conjugation of être and a place from the second column, 2) say what each person is logically, “busy doing” at that place using être, the expression “en train de” and an activity from the third column.  Study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!!, être quiz coming sometime in the next few classes!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Lundi 19/10

We practiced some new questions for family: “Qui est dans ta famille immédiate?” and “Est-ce que ____ est marié(e)/divorcé(e)/célibataire? » and continued using possessive adjectives.  We started talking about how to describe professions/jobs.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe their own families.

A Fairepg 35 #4 (only 4-7), answer in complete sentences and answer all questions asked in each number!

TECLes adjectifs possessifs handout #4 (orally in partners, switch roles !)

Devoirs :  pg 36 #6 (rewrite whole sentence!), pg 37 #7 (rewrite whole sentence!), study vocab pg 36-37, both activities on back of tête à tête handout (use knowledge from pg 36 & soyez logique!), study all irregular verbs: être/avoir/faire/aller!! (add to verb chart if not there already!!)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jeudi 15/10

Today we practiced a lot of family vocabulary and played “Cent” to review numbers.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use possessive adjectives and family vocab to describe the families of others

A Faire: See Madame Reid!!

TEC:  Les adjectifs possessifs handout #7 (write the whole sentence !!)

Devoirs : Les adjectifs possessifs handout #2 & #5 (questions/answers), study & practice être/avoir conjugations and meanings. Study/practice vocab pg 34, be able to describe your family!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mardi 13/10

We continued practicing family vocabulary and questions and learned how to use possessive adjectives to express “our, your/y’alls, their.” 

ObjectifStudents will be able to express what belongs to others.

A Faire: pg 35 #4 (only 1-3), answer in complete sentences and answer all questions asked in each number!

TEC:  Fill in possessive adjective table including the steps to use it!  Sondage:  In French, ask 3 people their birthdate, phone number and ethnicity and record your findings.

Devoirs :  Les adjectifs possessifs handout #3 (do in cahier, use c’est/ce sont and son/sa/ses to write sentences), pg 17 #12 (rewrite the whole sentence!)  Write sentences about the sondage from class today (for each person say what HIS/HER birthdate is.., HIS/HER phone number is…, and HIS/HER ethnicity is…) Study/practice !!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jeudi 08/10

We practiced talking about ethnicity, learned/reviewed some family vocabulary and discussed how to use possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her).  Then we took a quiz

ObjectifStudents will be able to express “his” and “her(s)”

A Faire: pg 17 #11 (write the whole answer sentences using either son/sa/ses as appropriate.)

Devoirs :  study vocab pg 34, pg 35 #5 *3 parts!!:  1) make family tree with reading in brown box, 2) activité A-use family tree to say whether statements are vrai/faux, 3) activité B-use the family tree to explain the relationships between the people given, follow the model sentence: ___ est le/la ____ de ___

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mardi 06/10

Today we did some review for the quiz and learned how to talk about our nationality and ethnicity.

ObjectifStudents will be able to describe their nationality and ethnicity.

A Faire: pg 33 #3 (write the answers the students in the activity would give, pay attention to masculine/feminine forms, and practice orally with a partner.

Devoirs :  Unité 1: writing activites/objects (front & back), pg 27 #5 (write at least 8 sentences, use the prompts, include what sports and instruments you play, and some other information if necessary)  Study for the quiz on Thursday!!

Quiz Study Topics: numbers, time, alphabet, question list (1-9, 14-20), jouer à/de, à/de + articles, prepositions, school subjects, ER/IR/RE verbs (meanings & conjugations), days/months/seasons, weather, subject/stress pronouns, forming questions, question words, expressions for talking about things (13), invitations/accepting/refusing (20)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Vendredi 02/10

We did some oral practice with questions, learned the difference between using “jouer à” and “jouer de”, and did a reading comprehension activity over pgs 4-5 (livre).

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between the prepositions à/de when using the verb “jouer”

A Faire: Review 2 handout #1 (write a complete sentence using the correct conjugation of « jouer » and the appropriate combination of à/de with the sport or instrument—look up any vocab necessary in your book in the French=>English/English=>French dictionary)

Handouts :  Review 2 handout

Devoirs :  Finish Review 2 handout (look up any words  in dictionary in book and verb conjugations in the green pages in back of the book)  practice questions/verbs/conjugations/expressions and vocab we’ve been reviewing, quiz next Thur!  Get binder/cahier organized (I will check Tuesday!!)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mercredi 30/09

Today we did some oral practice, learned ohow to use “OSLIS” to create citations for the project bibliography, and went to the library to continue our research on the regions of France.

Objectif: Students will research and understand the unique cultural identities/features of regions of France.

TEC :  Research!!  Writing!!

Devoirs :  Finish brochure and bibliography for turn in by the end of the day Friday!!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lundi 28/09

Today, we went over our new French region project, go a lesson on database resources from Mme. Battle (librarian) and then went to the library to start researching.

ObjectifStudents will begin researching a region of France.

TECResearch your region (see me if you were absent!!)

Devoirs :  study/review pg 20 yellow box, do pg 20 #5 (write invitation questions—use variety of est-ce que/inversion, and answers—refuse them all!!), continue research.  Make up reading assignment pg. 4-5 in book…see last Thursday’s blog post for criteria (We are doing a comprehension activity on Friday in class.)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jeudi 24/09

We reviewed and practiced some new school class vocabulary and expressions of place.  We played “Loto” to review verbs before we took a vocab quiz.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use expressions of place to describe the locations of things.

A Faire: See Madame Reid!

Devoirs :  handout front/back, read pgs 4-5 in book for understanding!  Keep notes over content and what strategies you used when you didn’t understand what you were reading.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mardi 22/09

Today in class we reviewed questions 1-9, 14-20 and learned some new vocab for classes/courses at Grant. We also practiced the expressions of place pg. 15 and contractions with DE + LE/LA/L’/LES.  Finally we corrected some homework.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use expressions of place to describe the locations of things.

A Faire: Preparez vos reponses aux questions 18 & 19 avec le nouveau vocabulaire (see handout !)

Devoirs :  pg 21 #7 (inversion questions/answers), pg 22 #8 (rewrite questions with the correct question word, use answers to figure them out!) Study ER/IR/RE verbs for verb quiz jeudi!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Vendredi 18/09

Today, we continued practicing forming and asking answering questions.  We also took a vocab quiz.

Objectif:  Students will be able to form inversion questions about a variety of subjects.

A Faire: Question handout …Part A-vous form, write an « est-ce que » and an inversion question.  Part B-write questions about Chantal, don’t forget to put in the « t » to avoid the vowel clash !

Handouts :  Question handout

Devoirs :  Finish question handout, pg 21 #6 (write inversion questions/ your answers!), pg 22 #10 (rewrite the whole sentence with verb!),  study ER/IR/RE verbs,  Practice question list

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mercredi 16/09

Today we learned how to form questions in 4 ways. We also listened to our song, learned some new school vocabulary (pg 5) and practiced questions 18-20 on the question list.

ObjectifStudents will be able to form 4 kinds of questions.

A Faire: Rewrite the following questions in inversion format:
1.      Comment est-ce que tu vas à l’école?
2.      Est-ce qu’elle porte une robe ?
3.      Est-ce qu’il habite à Portland ?
4.      Est-ce que tu choisis des lunettes de soleil ?
5.      Est-ce qu’ils vendent des montres ?

TEC Sondage… write inversion questions and ask 8 people their preferences from pg 12 #1.  Be sure to respond using the French responses you wrote for homework!

Devoirs :  study ER/IR/RE (quiz Fri!), take notes pg 15 (yellow box), do #8 (write whole sentence, les outils = tools) and #9 (write sentence: replace 1st place with subject pronoun—il/elle, say where it is relative to place in parentheses), PRACTICE!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lundi 14/09

We practiced questions 14/15 from the question list, reviewed some common questions and phrases for talking about things/objects, and went over some homework.

ObjectifStudents will be able to use common questions and phrases to identify objects.

A Faire: pg 13 #4 (describe ALL items in the pictures !)  vocab reference pgs: R4, 346-347.

Devoirs :  pg 12 #1 (write a sentence stating your preference of the choices given), pg 12 #2 (identify the objects using the phrases we practiced in class), practice question list, study ER/IR/RE verbs (vocab test Friday!)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeudi 10/09

We continued to work on stress/subject pronouns, learned to ask and answer questions 14 & 15  from the question list and took a vocabulary quiz over ER verbs.

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: 2 parts
      1)       Utilisez un pronom « stress » dans vos réponses…
a)      Est-ce que tu as des classes avec tes amis ?  Je…
b)      Est-ce que vous avez des bonbons pour Madame Reid ?   Nous…

      2)      Pg 23 #11 : Write an affirmative/negative sentence (based on the oui/non in parentheses) and replace the subject with a pronoun and use a stress pronoun.

Devoirs :  Verb practice #1, Mot croisé (gives the page number for reference), Study IR/RE verbs for vocab quiz next week.  Continue to study and practice ER verb vocabulary

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mardi 08/09

We continued practicing birth dates/places of self and others and tackled some big numbers.  We also did some verb practice and talked about the difference between “subject” and “stress” pronouns.  We listened to our new song!

ObjectifStudents will be able to distinguish between subject/stress pronouns and use them appropriately.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes.  Deux phrases pour chaque numéro !
      a)      Quand est-il/elle né(e) ?   (Il/Elle est né(e) le….)
      b)      Quel âge a-t-il/elle ?          (Il/Elle a ___ ans.)

1) (il) 7/14/1789          2) (elle) 12/ 01/1492           3) (il) 3/28/1615              4)  (elle) 10/31/1871

Devoirs :  materials (binder/cahier check coming!!) visual dictionary for 10 unknown/lesser known ER verbs (Must have: word (verb), image, sentence using word/verb in French), study all ER verbs (front/back) on the list for meaning (vocab quiz Thur!), pg 23 #12 (say that each person is doing that activity at his/her own home, using "chez" + stress pronoun)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Jeudi 03/09

Today we spent some time practicing the question list and particularly questions 4 & 5.  We reviewed regular verb (ER/IR/RE) verb conjugations and songs.  We also set up binders/cahiers (notebooks) and went over some homework.

ObjectifStudents will use numbers & knowledge of the French calendar to express birthdates.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes:
            1.      Où et quand es-tu né(e) ? 
            2.      Quand est-il/elle né(e) ?  (Alternate il/elle in responses!)
a)      4/17/1981    b)  7/24/1974     c)  6/13/1948       d)  8/1/1925          e)  2/1/1993

Handouts :  Devoirs:  Quelle heure est-il?, Rappel 3 worksheet (Don't do #13!)

Devoirs :  supplies, commitments!!, practice letters/spelling/numbers, question list 1-9/16-17,  clocks on back of A/B handout!  Rappel 3 worksheet front and back.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mardi 01/09

Bienvenue au blog de français 3-4 de l’année 2015-2016!

Today in class we reviewed numbers and time. We also practiced our question list, questions 1-9, 16-17.  We did a quick review of ER verbs and checked out text books as well.

ObjectifStudents will review and use numbers to express time.

A Faire: Répondez à phrases complètes:
Quel temps fait-il ?
A quelle heure commencent les cours ?
A quelle heure finissent les cours ?

TEC :  A/B activity in partners (see handouts)

Devoirs :  Materials, commitments, practice spelling/numbers, question list 1-9, 16-17,
Do both review worksheets, study ER verb vocab (front side, vocab quiz coming very soon!)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Jeudi 04/06

We did more practice with the passé compose avec être.

A Faire:  pg 127 #2

TEC: 1) Add verbs (conjugations) pg 126 to verb chart and past participles to graphic organizer, 2) On handout fill in Vandertrampp verbs, past participles, and write sentences (using different subjects: je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) to practice using them/have examples to work from.  Don’t forget être as your helping verb and agreements!  3) make your own “maison” ( or hospital, or farm, or mall, etc.) of “être”.  Use all 17 verbs, illustrate their meanings and label them on the picture, color!

Devoirs :  Finish in class work including “maison”, practice project for interview (starting Monday!), do pg 129 #4 (say what they did/didn’t do based on context sentence, use verbs in parentheses, make necessary agreements!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mardi 02/06

Today we continued to work on the passé composé with être (learning the 17 verbs of movement/coming-going that must use it!),  had project work time and a crêpe party.

A Fairepg 128 #3 write sentences using the subjects given and the correct passé composé form of  each verb.  Pay attention to agreements!!

Devoirs :  pg 119 #6 (choose which subject and helping verb to use based on the past participle given.  Rewrite the entire sentence!)  Have the final version of your project ready to turn in.  Make sure it is in the correct format, with pictures and typed!!  Start practicing for interviews!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Lundi 01/06

We learned how to use “aller” in the passé composé, did a peer-edit of our dialogue drafts and had some work time.

TEC:  Peer-edit and be peer-edited!  Each student will get credit for being part of both sides of this process.  If you did not complete this in class, it is your responsibility to take care of it outside of class!  Although tutorial is a great option for this!

Devoirs :  Write and revise “Mon Enfance” project (final draft due Thursday!)

Fête de crêpe tomorrow, bring stuff!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Jeudi 28/05

Today, we practiced irregular past participles (see pg 117) and how to say “I went..” (Je suis allé/Je suis allée).  We also corrected the test from last week and started our final project.

Handouts Mon Enfance

A Fairepg 117 #4 (write your answers to the first question only)

TEC: Correct test, start work on project

Devoirs :  have a complete double spaced, neatly written/typed rough draft of the project for peer-edit (minimum 20 sentences total, 10 for each age, see directions) do pg 107 #5 if not done yet for Monday in class! Prepare for fête de crêpe on Tuesday!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mardi 26/05

We reviewed imparfait and passé composé constructions, went over the homework, listened to a new song and watched some of Les Choristes.

A Fairepg 106 #3 (Write sentences saying what EACH person did at EACH time of day.  Your sentences should start with the time of day and make sure you write about EACH activity listed and your sentences are complete!)

Devoirs :  pg 106 #4 (finish/write complete sentences for each.  I will use this to warm-up the class on Thursday), pg 107 #5 (in passé compose, write questions in est-ce que or inversion formats and your answers to the questions in complete sentences.  We will use these questions/answers for an in-class survey—BE PREPARED!)