Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pour lundi....

Apporte (Bring):

-Review Packet
-Back of Dice Game
-Project (your own copy to practice with in class!)

Bon weekend!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mardi 29/01

Today in class we reviewed for the final.  We did a listening activity, a worksheet, and a dice game.  We also turned in the final project and visual.

Handouts (click on link): Quiz 1, Jeu de Dés

A Faire:  Quiz 1 (Turned in!)

Travail en classe (TEC):   Jeu de Dés.  Can do the front side orally with a partner but must write out the back side. (Will stamp for this lundi, le 4 février)

Devoirs:   Study for final!




Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jeudi 24/01

Today in class we practiced talking/writing about what we are going to do this weekend (using aller + infinitive), finished our listening activity from last class, discussed the importance of using dictionaries and not translators (inaccurate/cheating) for finding words/vocabulary, and discussed the correction codes for revision I used on all of the rough drafts.  We had some time at the end of class to work on draft revision.  Click here for Correction codes for Revision

A Faire:  Aller Handout #3, prepare answers only, ask and answer with partner orally

Devoirs:  Final typed (1.5 spaced) project and visual (pic of person, country and at least 10 other symbols or images that represent your writing)

Don't forget verb challenge must be completed by Thursday next week!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All Work By Friday!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mardi 22/01

Today in class we reviewed the verb “aller” and how to use it to say what people are going to do. We also started our preparation for the final exam by reviewing the imperative.  We took another verb challenge and did a listening activity.

A Faire:  Aller Practice Handout #2

Travail en classe (TEC):   Aller Practice Handout #15 (back side)

Devoirs:   Adjective packet pg 110 #3, pg 114 #4

*If you did not pass today’s verb challenge, you must come in on your own time to retake it.  You may retake as many times as you need to.  Remember, it will be a 0 in your test grade until you pass!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jeudi 17/01

Today in class we reviewed aller and aller + infinitive, did our verb challenge and started a new project.  I will offer one more verb challenge in class on Tuesday next week and then you must come in on your own time to retake after that.

Handouts (click on link): Aller Handout, Personnage Francophone
A Faire:  pg 67 #2, write answers, then do orally in partners.

Travail en classe (TEC):   Write a sentence saying where each person in the powerpoint (Click HERE!) is going using places on aller handout and correct conjugation of the verb aller.

Devoirs:  Rough draft of project, 15 sentences minimum, double spaced, typed/neatly written, to turn in Tuesday for feedback.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mardi 15/01

Today in class we reviewed the verb faire and how to use “faire de”, I introduced and we started using the verb aller, and we learned how to use aller + infinitive to express what one is “going to do”.

Handouts (click on link): Faire Expressions, Stress pronouns (see post 10 janvier!)

A Faire:  pg 59 #6, do orally with partner after it's written.

Travail en classe (TEC):   pg 67 #1

Devoirs:   pg 59 #7 (4-7), pg 67 #3,  study verbs for crêpe challenge on Thursday!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lundi 14/01

Today in class we reviewed physical descriptions (hair/eyes) and learned some new faire expressions.

A Faire:  pg 59 #7 (1-3 ONLY) à phrases complètes!! Answer each question mark !

Devoirs: 6 visual dictionary entries for new (from today) faire expressions (must include expression, picture, and sentences), study verbs for crêpe challenge on Thursday!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jeudi 10/01

Today in class we used adjectives to talk about how we are feeling, we learned some new ways to describe physical attributes, did a listening activity and reviewed faire expressions.  We incorporated the following vocabulary into our questions/answers:  souvent=often, parfois=sometimes, toujours=always, jamais=never (these always come right after the verb)

A Faire:  pg 59 #5—write 2 sentences for each of the people in “les personnes”, the first saying what they study using Faire, the second saying what they want to be based on what they study.  Look at example sentences!)

Devoirs:  pg 58 #4 (complete the question and the answer using the correct conjugation of Faire and the corresponding expression), write a 5 sentence physical description of your self using new vocabulary on handout.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mardi 08/01

Today in class we went over some of the questions from the homework and learned new faire expressions (they can be found on pg 58 in the book!)

Handouts (click on link): Expression handout

A Faire:  Expression handout (from long time ago) pg 109 “être en train de”

Travail en classe (TEC):   Expression handout pg 113 #3 (faire)

Devoirs:   Finish Travail en Classe (you will turn in worksheet on Thursday if you haven't already!), add 6 faire expressions to Visual dictionary (must include expression, picture, and sentences), study verbs for crêpe challenge!!

Déjeuner français jeudi!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lundi 07/01

Today in class we reviewed adjective agreements by doing pg 49 #8 orally in class.  We also reviewed être expressions.

A Faire :  Translations—Click here!

Devoirs: pg 45 #3 (There are actually 10 questions you must answer in complete sentences!) Study verbs for crêpe challenge!!

Déjeuner français (French Lunch) jeudi!
Tardy detentions must be served within 1 week or they will double!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jeudi 03/01

Today in class we learned some new expressions with the verb être (they can be found on pg 44 in the book.)  We discussed that il/elle can replace a noun (le livre, la voiture) to mean “it”.  We also reviewed the contraction of à + le (au) and à + les (aux).  During the 2nd half of class, we returned to adjectives and learned the exception to the rule that adjectives come after the noun (see bottom of pg 46).  These adjectives are represented by the acronym BAGS (beauty, age, goodness, size). 

Handouts (click on link): Les Adjectifs

A Faire:  pg 45 #2  Imagine you are being asked the question, answer saying “it belongs to…”

Travail en classe (TEC):  In complete sentences, describe the following 3 people with 2 physical adjectives and 2 adjectives of personality:  your best friend, a family member of your choice, and your favorite teacher.  In your first sentence, you should use one of the new BAGS adjectives.  Use the following formula to start it: “I have a…use a BAGS adjective…say who they are.”  Ex:  I have a pretty best friend; I have a tall teacher; I have a young aunt. Then continue with description.

Devoirs:  Memorize: ER, IR, RE, Avoir, Etre, Faire, and Aller for crêpe challenge.  Pg 45 #1 (write 1st sentence using elements from personnes/endroits--say where each person is.  Then write 2nd sentence saying what they are busy doing by choosing logically from activités.)  Pg 49 #9 (In complete sentences describe the personality of each person based on the given description).

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mercredi 02/01

Today in class spoke lots of French!  We talked about how our vacations were, what we like to eat during vacation and colors/adjectives.  We also sang our verb songs.

A Faire:  Sondage (survey): Ask at least 10 classmates the following questions…
De quelle couleur sont tes chausettes? (chausettes is feminine and plural, so color must agree!)
Quelle couleur préfères-tu? (don’t forget to use the article when talking about color as a thing!)

Devoirs:  practice ER/IR/RE/Avoir/Etre/Faire/Aller conjugations, pg 49 #8 (adjectives must agree with “personnes” which is feminine/plural).  We are using this activity in class tomorrow!