Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mercredi 30/04

Today we reviewed “boire”, practiced “vouloir”, learned “pouvoir” and “devoir” and then learned to make crêpes through a PowerPoint.

A Faire:  pg 157 #3 –and-
Answer the following questions:
  1. Qu’est-ce que tu bois souvent?                      
  2. Qu’est-ce que tu bois de temps en temps ?
  3. Qu’est-ce que tu ne bois jamais ?
Complete the following sentences using a conjugation of vouloir and a food/drink :
  1. Nous _______________ manger les crêpes.
  2. Le végétarien ______________ manger _________________
  3. Les chats _________________ manger __________________
  4. Je ___________ manger ___________
  5. Je ___________ boire _____________
Handouts/Class Materials:  crêpe crossword handout, Crêpe PowerPoint

Devoirs:  crepe crossword (not the back !), pg 157 #2, study irregular verbs (pop quiz coming!), BRING CREPE PARTY SUPPLIES!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lundi 28/04

Today we practiced using “boire”, worked on and turned in dialogue script rough drafts, and learned the verb “vouloir”.  We also planned our fête de crêpe!

Devoirs:  Study verbs!!  Add verbs pg 157 to verb chart, pg 157 #1 (say what the people given want to do.)  Fête de crêpe vendredi!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Vendredi 25/04

Today we learned the verb “boire” (pg 166) and worked on restaurant dialogues/skits in groups.

A Faire:  pg 166 #1

Devoirs :  Study all verbs (especially irregular and including boire—another verb quiz coming soon!!), write sentences saying what 5 people you know drink (using boire), review ER verbs with accent irregularities pg 167 and do #2 (rewrite the sentence for each person in parentheses).

Monday, April 21, 2014

Lundi 21/04

Today practiced how to order food in a restaurant and took a verb quiz (prendre, mettre, and venir families).  We did lots of oral practice in class.

A Faire:  pg 147 #4 A & B (write the blue lines in French and then do the dialogues in partners!)

Devoirspg 152 (first 8 questions only!)—use menu pg 153.

Vendredi 18/04

Today we had a substitute teacher.

A Faire:  Activité 8 (mettre)

Handouts/Class MaterialsActivité 8 (mettre)

Devoirs :  study verbs for quiz Monday, pg 149 #8 (say what EACH person likes a lot, doesn’t really like, hates), study pg 150, do pg 151 #9 (say what you’re going to buy based on what you’re making.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mercredi 16/04

Today we reviewed “les boutiques specialisee” that the French shop in, learned the verbs “mettre, promettre, and permettre”, and worked on/finalized our pen pal letters. 

*I must have your pen pal letter by the end of the day tomorrow (Thur)!!! I will not be in the building Friday and I plan to send them Friday morning!

A Faire:  pg 110 #13 (write out whole sentence with the correct verb conjugated in the blank)

DevoirsPen pal letter!!!  TA paragraph!! pg 111 #14 (6-9 only) and pg 149 #7 (answers—write your preferences !  We’ll be using these in class Friday!)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lundi 14/04

Today we got our pen pal letters and learned how to format the letters we’re writing and some helpful page numbers for information to include.

Helpful page #s:  pg 5 (school), pg 6-7 (useful questions), pg 20 (likes), pg 21 (ask for information), pg 32 (identity), pg 34 (family), pg 36 (professions)

Devoirs:  Write a 2 paragraph (minimum) letter in the correct format, make sure it is double spaced for peer editing in class on Wed!  Bring anything you want to include with the letter (pics, etc) because we will finalize and turn them in before the end of class on Wed.  **It is very important that you meet these deadlines so I can send the letters on time (Thursday)!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mercredi 02/04

Today we reviewed some identity questions, did some group work on the reading (pg 142-143), talked about the verbs prendre/comprendre/apprendre, and looked at some pen pal letters from France.

A Faire:  read pg 142-143 out loud in small groups, discuss what you understood then answer the following questions in French, in complete sentences.
  1. À quelle boutique spécialisée est-ce qu’on va pour acheter le pain et les croissants ?
  2. Qu’est-ce que les pâtisseries vendent ?
  3. Pour quels produits est-ce qu’on va à la boucherie?
  4. Où est-ce qu’on va pour le porc, les saucisses et les plats préparés ?
  5. Qu’est-ce que les crèmeries vendent ?
  6. Qu’est-ce qu’on vend à l’épicerie ?
  7. Dans beaucoup de villes françaises il y a un marché en plein air. Quand est-ce que le marché a lieu ?
Handouts/Class MaterialsQuestion list #3

Devoirsstart a penpal letter in French—write at least 2 paragraphs about yourself (identity, family, city/state/country, school, hobbies/free time, friends, sports, likes/dislikes, etc.), pg 111 #14 (1-5 ONLY!), practice Question List #3, 1-20 (for next oral interview), study/memorize verbs including prendre/comprendre/apprendre

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lundi 07/04

Today we learned the verb “prendre”, talked about our likes/dislikes with food, and corrected quizzes. (If corrections were not completed in class, they must be finished in tutorial by the end of the day on Wednesday!)

DevoirsRead and take notes pg 142-143, start a penpal letter in French—write at least 2 paragraphs about yourself (identity, family, city/state/country, school, hobbies/free time, friends, sports, likes/dislikes, etc.) *Your book has a lot of good reference pages for this. Consider looking back through the Reprise and Unité 1 and possibly even the green (Reference) pages in the back!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Vendredi 04/04

Today we practiced talking about our favorite foods and meals and continued to review “venir”. Then we played “Allez à la pêche.”

A Faire:  Write a sentence for each PowerPoint slide using either « venir de + place », « venir de + infinitif », or « depuis ».

Handouts/Class Materials:  Allez à la pêche, “Venir” PowerPoint, Leçon 9 packet

Devoirs :  Leçon 9 packet 1st page, front and back.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mercredi 02/04

Today we reviewed “la table” vocabulary and practiced saying we’re thirsty and what we want to drink. We did some oral practice with “il y a” and “il n’y a pas de” describing the incomplete place settings we made.  We also did some review of venir/revenir/devenir.

A Faire:  pg 145 #2 (vary your subjects in each sentence…use je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles…so you can practice different conjugations of avoir !)

Devoirspg 145 #1 (rewrite/complete the sentence in French, you may choose diiferent things than the book offers), review vocab pg 148, pg 149 #5 (say whether you love, like, hate, etc the foods listed), STUDY VERBS FOR VERB CHALLENGE!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lundi 17/03

Today we did some practice with the new food vocabulary and learned the vocabulary for “mettre la table” (to set the table).  Most vocab is on pg 144 except for “le bol” et “la nappe”.  

A Faire:  Mettre la table !  On the front of a blank, white piece of paper, draw and label the 9 items we practiced for setting the table.  Color if time!  On the back, draw an incomplete table setting (draw 5 of the 9 and leave out 4) with no labels.

Devoirs:  Finish A faire, Mettre la table sentences—using the back side picture, write what is and isn’t on the table.  Translate and follow this sentence pattern: “On the table, there is…”, “On the table, there isn’t…”  (use pgs 13, 15 in your book for reference!)  STUDY VERBS FOR VERB CHALLENGE!!