Friday, May 29, 2015

Jeudi 28/05

Today, we practiced irregular past participles (see pg 117) and how to say “I went..” (Je suis allé/Je suis allée).  We also corrected the test from last week and started our final project.

Handouts Mon Enfance

A Fairepg 117 #4 (write your answers to the first question only)

TEC: Correct test, start work on project

Devoirs :  have a complete double spaced, neatly written/typed rough draft of the project for peer-edit (minimum 20 sentences total, 10 for each age, see directions) do pg 107 #5 if not done yet for Monday in class! Prepare for fête de crêpe on Tuesday!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mardi 26/05

We reviewed imparfait and passé composé constructions, went over the homework, listened to a new song and watched some of Les Choristes.

A Fairepg 106 #3 (Write sentences saying what EACH person did at EACH time of day.  Your sentences should start with the time of day and make sure you write about EACH activity listed and your sentences are complete!)

Devoirs :  pg 106 #4 (finish/write complete sentences for each.  I will use this to warm-up the class on Thursday), pg 107 #5 (in passé compose, write questions in est-ce que or inversion formats and your answers to the questions in complete sentences.  We will use these questions/answers for an in-class survey—BE PREPARED!)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jeudi 21/05

We reviewed imparfait and went over some homework.  We also learned the other form of the past tense: le passé compose (see pgs 104-105 for more info).  We did watch a little of our film at the end of class.

Handouts Leçon 6 handout

A Fairepg 320 #6 (say what people were/weren’t doing 100 years ago, beaucoup de gens/tout le monde/on are all singular and thus must use the il/elle form of the verb, vivre = vivons)

TEC: pg 105 #1 (say what each person bought using passé composé, look up vocabulary if necessary…try “bathing suit” instead of swimsuit, FYI)

Devoirs :  Review past tenses, review present tense verbs especially être/avoir, finish A Faire/TEC if not completed in class, do front side of leçon 6 handout (#1-what you did/didn’t do from the list, #2-read the sentence of context, say what the people did/didn’t do—be logical! All in passé compose!)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mardi 19/05

We went over some homework with the verb “voir”, and reviewed for the test.  Then we took the test.

A FaireLook at the image and write sentences for each person saying what he/she is having/drinking for lunch.  For some things you will say some of it and others you will say un/une because the whole item is being eaten.  Cliquez ici pour l'image!

DevoirsTake notes pg168-169, do pg 169 #5 write 2 sentences : 1) like + definite article 2) verb in parentheses in the present* + partitive article) *this is different from the directions in the book!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lundi 18/05

We did some review for the test around mettre la table, boire, and the partitive articles.

A Faire:  Look at the image and write sentences for each person saying what there is and there isnt on the table.  Follow this format:  Pour _(nom)_, Il y a un___, une___, etc. / Il ny a pas de ___, d____.

Devoirs Packet back page #2 (say what she buys some of—on the table, and what she doesn’t buy any of—on the list, not on the table.) Packet pg 90 A & B. STUDY for test tomorrow!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Jeudi 14/05

We got new seats, did oral practice, went over some “imparfait” homework, practiced the verb “voir”, and watched some of our film “Les Choristes.”

A Fairepg 116 #1 (write complete sentences using a conjugation of voir and a logical choice from the box)

Devoirscrosswords (both sides), Paquet Leçon 9-10: back page #1 (say what he eats some of and doesn’t eat any of), pg 116 #2 (phrases completes, answer all questions!)  Study for test Tue:  pgs 110, 142-151, 156-160, 166 (Look over old homework!  I pull from that for the test!!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mardi 12/05

We reviewed imparfait and learned how to use “être” (which does not follow the same formation pattern as every other verb in French) to give descriptions of people.  We reviewed the partitive articles (and articles in general), and talked about the verb “mettre” and related verbs “permettre/promettre.”  We also started watching a film.

A Faire:  using être in the imparfait to answer the question comment étais-tu? for an age of your choice in the past (describe physique and personality).  Use the following sentence format:  Quand javais # ans, Jétais

TECAdd verbs pgs 126, 224 to verb chart!

Write your answers to the following questions:
       1)       Est-ce que tes parents permettent à toi de sortir avec tes amis après minuit?
       2)      Si (if) tu es un bon(ne) ami(e), qu’est-ce que tu promets à tes amis ?  Je promets de_(infinitif)__/d’être_(adjectif)__

Devoirs :  pg 318 #4 (say where the people “were” using être and place given, and then what they “were doing/was going on” using the infinitive given.  Study for test over food vocab/expressions/culture and partitive articles next Tuesday!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Lundi 11/05

Today worked through some of the questions on pg 111 #14, reviewed limparfait and learned that it can also be used to describe what was going on/happening and for giving descriptions/describing circumstances in the past.

A Faire:  pg 317 #2 (attention #1, 3, 4 have a little word in front of the verbjust put it in the sentence like it is and conjugate your verb!)

Devoirs :  pg 318 #3, Test over food vocab/expressions and partitive article next Tuesday!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Jeudi 07/05

We reviewed the partitive and the verb boire (we also learned voir because it’s a similar conjugation).  Then we started learning l’imparfait (one form of the past tense, see pg 316 for formation.)  It has multiple functions but we focused on using it to express what we “used to do/be.”

A Fairepg 166 #1 (use a conjugation of boire and a drink choice from the box to complete the sentences)

TECWrite 5 sentences using limparfait.  Say 1) what you used to eat; 2) what you used to like to eat; 3) what you used to hate to eat; 4) what you used to prefer to eat; 5) what you used to not really like eating

Devoirs :  Packet pg 99 #1 (boire), livre pg 317 #1 (imparfait), pg 111 #14--6-9 only (write complete sentences and answer all questions asked, look for clues to answer !)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mardi 05/05

Today we had a substitute.  We listened to the song, practiced the new verb boire (pg 166-add to verb chart!) and reviewed the partitive articles.

A FaireCrosswords: Quelques verbes et  Les plats (both sides)

TEC:  Mini-project: un repas

Devoirs :  Crossword : prendre/mettre and activity on back

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lundi 04/05

Today we reviewed the partitive articles and learned some verbs related to prendre.

A Faire:  pg 111 #14, 1-5 only!!  (complete sentences and answer all questions asked!!)

TEC:  pg 159 #6

Devoirs :  study/take notes pg 110 (mettre, conjugations, meanings, cousin verbs), do pg 110 #13 using mettre/prendre/related verbs and correct conjugations., packet pg 94 #5 (look at picnics and write what you ate/drank SOME of using correct form of partitive article)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Jeudi 30/04

We practiced talking about fruit and veggie preferences, ordering food in a restaurant and learned the verb Prendre and the partitive article (some).

A Fairepg 159 #5 (write questions using appropriate question format and your answers to the questions.  Ask 10 classmates)

TECpg 159 #4

Devoirs Paquet Leçon 9-10 pg 94 #3 & #4, pg 95 #7 (say what one does not sell at that specialty shop using vendre and negative form of partitive article!), study irregular verbs!!

Lundi 27/04

Today we had a substitute.  We practiced talking about some foods and vegetables and then played battleship to practice verbs.

A Faire:  pg 151 #11